Neighbor: Ah, Holland, heh heh, the man of millions! What'd you get away with today? Got any spare ingots for an old pal? Ha ha, you'll be the death of me, Holland.
Henry Holland: I sincerely trust so.
Turner: Paris, eh? You're stepping out, Holland. Wonderful, isn't it, what a little extra money will do?
Henry Holland: Yes, it's going to make a big difference to me.
Pendlebury: Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these - it might have been.
Henry Holland: I was a potential millionaire, but I had to be satisfied with eight pounds, fifteen shillings, less deductions.
Pendlebury: By Jove, Holland, it's a good job we're both honest men.
Henry Holland: It is indeed, Pendlebury.