Daffy Duck: Why the copious flow of lachrymal fluid, my garrulous canine?
Amy: How was I dressed when we had all that money?
Jo March: In diapers.
Detective Sam Grunion, narrator of the story: Mackinaw, you know I have a full record of the case, and tonight at the opening of the play you MAY have the solution, but when the curtain rises, Madam Egelichi will be in the front box, and sitting next to her will be Count B'ullabaisse - but if you take away the count's silk hat, his opera cloak and his full dress suit you'll have ME, shivering in my underwear.
Pepe Le Pew: I am ze locksmith of love, no?
Kip Lurie: Did I hear someone say "sing it again"?
Adam Bonner: No.
Colin Craven: You don't even care how I won't live to grow up.
Mary Lennox: Stop it. You'll live as long as I will. You just say that to make people feel sorry for you and do what you say.
Colin Craven: Don't you dare say that! Don't you dare say how I won't die.
Mary Lennox: Why, you're proud of it. It makes you feel important.