Addie: Yes, they got mighty well-off cheating the poor. Well, there's people that eats up the whole Earth and all the people on it. Like in the Bible with the locusts. Then there's people that stand around and watch them do it. Sometimes I think it ain't right to stand and watch them do it.
Horace Giddens: There's something else in the Bible, Addie. Take us the foxes... the little foxes that spoil the vines... for our vines have tender grapes.

George Armstrong Custer: Walking through life with you, ma'am, has been a very gracious thing.

Charles Foster Kane: Rosebud.

Pastor Rosier Pile: War's way to the other side of the ocean, Alvin. Lots of things can happen before you get there. You put your trust in the Lord, and He'll look out for you.
Alvin: I done forgot the Lord! I ain't never gonna forget him again.

Mr. Gruffydd: Huw, I thought when I was a young man that I would conquer the world with truth. I thought I would lead an army greater than Alexander ever dreamed of, not to conquer nations, but to liberate mankind. With truth. With the golden sound of the Word. But only a few of them heard. Only a few of you understood.