Addie: Yes, they got mighty well-off cheating the poor. Well, there's people that eats up the whole Earth and all the people on it. Like in the Bible with the locusts. Then there's people that stand around and watch them do it. Sometimes I think it ain't right to stand and watch them do it.
Horace Giddens: There's something else in the Bible, Addie. Take us the foxes... the little foxes that spoil the vines... for our vines have tender grapes.
Ben Hubbard: Four conversations are three too many.
Cal: Where's the Lord say that 'bout feedin' the hungry. What book?
Addie: I don't know. But if he didn't, he shoulda.
David Hewitt: You know, that's the first time I ever heard your mother tell you to do something, and you didn't hop to do it.
Alexandra Giddens: That's a funny thing to say.
David Hewitt: You know, you take one step. And then you take another. After a while you'll find out you're walking all by yourself.
David Hewitt: Do you like me?
Alexandra Giddens: Not today.
David Hewitt: Why, I'll come back tomorrow.