Plot hole: When the Bigelows call Sackett out, Cap rises from his sickbed, takes a double-barrelled shotgun from over the door, breaks it open, and despite having used only a rifle and handgun up to this time, removes a couple of shotgun shells from his pocket and inserts them into the weapon.
Plot hole: When the mechanical bull ride first opens up, riders need to pay $2 per ride and sign a waiver that if they get hurt, the bar is not responsible. But later in the film, riders (especially Bud) now just jump on and take a ride without paying (or signing but even if only needing to sign once, the money part is still in question here). How is it suddenly free?
Plot hole: At the beginning of the movie, Lady Sarah Ashley's husband is killed before Nullah rides to Faraway Downs. There he sees Sarah go into the home and find her dead husband. This would mean that somebody had to recover his body and transport it to Faraway Downs faster than Nullah, who went straight there following the murder.
Plot hole: In one of the last scenes when the scribe is putting the newly published bible on the shelf you can see next to it a big green book with the word Tanach written on it. That is actually a translated bible with the Hebrew and English, including the five books of Moses and psalms plus much more. He had the Bible the whole time. (01:47:50)
Suggested correction: From the internet movie database... The Hebrew Bible, or The Bible or "the Chumash" in Hebrew, is already in the library. The Christian "Old Testament" is the Chumash with some variations (reorder of books and reorder of the 10 commandments, depending on religious denomination). The New King James Version is an Old Testament with the Christian Gospels added at the end, some of which the main character, Eli, quotes. These two books would be considered separate and unique in a library.
Plot hole: The man with no name kills five Rojo bandits outside the city, in the so-called small house. His gunfire is heard in the town, where other Rojos respond by riding to the place of incident. In the film time, it is daytime. Shortly afterwards, the man with no name starts a fire. It is now night in the film. A fire alarm is sounded. Many scramble to extinguish it. Rojos then toss the entire town, looking for the man. Soon after that, Rojos blow up the external fence of the Baxter residence. So much ruckus in town until this point, but not a single Baxter has reacted. They still won't react until one minute later, when Rojos have set fire to their residence. 34 Baxters die on screen. Seriously, where were all these Baxters all this time? In a soundproof chamber of some sort? In coma? (01:02:10)
Plot hole: In the morning at the motel, the vampires have a big shoot-out with local law enforcement, which results in one at least one cop being killed. But when they escape, the police don't bother pursuing them or even giving them a another thought. Even for an 80's film, this is beyond ludicrous.
Plot hole: The Rangers arrive at the hideout when the lad following never got back to tell them where it was.
Plot hole: No one hears the gunshot in the jail. The townspeople would come to see where the shot was fired. (01:39:28 - 01:39:52)