Plot hole: If the Lady of the Lake walks every night to her room and kills those in her path, why didn't Flora and Miles' parents die in their room by the hands of the Lady in the Lake when they first moved in?

Plot hole: In the episode where Jessica went home to her family's house in season 2, Bill said "someone who lives here must invite me in." In this episode, Russell Edgington's wolf (Coota) invites Russell into Alcide's apartment. Also, in Season 6 Sarah Newlin recinds Jessica's invitation into Jason's house (which only Jason should be able to do).

And Those We Left Behind - S4-E6
Plot hole: The very ending scene where Peter (in this version died in the ice as a boy so Walter's wife never met him) takes off some of the dust covers then picks up a toy airplane. The toy airplane he got as a child from ... Walter's wife when she was trying to placate him in an earlier episode for trying to run "home". This toy airplane wouldn't have been his as a child in this version of the universe. (00:42:00)

Plot hole: When Sam and Dean realise they need to destroy the hook to stop the Hook Man, they find out that it has been reforged into something else. They state it needs to be set on fire to stop him, but if it was melted down and reforged then it has already been set on fire and the Hook Man shouldn't be latched on to it in the first place.

Plot hole: When the two henchmen who break into Nick's loft to kill Lisa are captured, the case is closed. But the two thugs were reporting back to a boss who wasn't caught, and who surely would have sent more hitmen after Lisa. So the case shouldn't have been closed.

Wuffenloaf - S3-E1
Plot hole: When Abby and Eric return the night vision goggles, Abby asks if they should put them back exactly where they were and Eric says he didn't remember where they went but luckily he "took a picture" of how it looked before. How could this be possible if Abby purposely excluded him when she collected those goggles from Lisa?

Plot hole: In the bait and switch section, why does anyone involved agree to Leland being Ben's attorney when both victims are relatives of Leland? Neither Ben nor any of the police are in on Cooper's plan, and it seems implausible at best that they would agree to this.

Here There Be Monsters - S1-E10
Plot hole: The female police officer has a theory that Johnny was the Strangler in the case the papers claimed he helped solve but this hardly makes sense. If she was researching him as was seen in the episode, surely it would have said something about Johnny being in a coma during the bulk of the murders since the story was about Johnny.

Plot hole: In episode 1-7: "Unraveling," Christina and Jesse get on a bus to New Haven, first thing in the morning. Christina left the Kramers's house before breakfast. Then, they ride on the bus all day until getting trapped in a terrible storm in the dark of night. But New Haven, CT, is less than a seven hour bus ride from the Jersey shore, so anything that happened to them on the way there should have been in full daylight.

Plot hole: Bonnie is the anchor for the other side and feels when supernatural beings die. How come she didn't know Katherine wasn't dead? Did she never think it was suspicious that she never felt Katherine's body after she died?
Suggested correction: Katherine died but didn't go to the other side. So she didn't need to go through Bonnie. She went to hell to Arcadius. Bonnie is not the anchor to hell, we don't know how going to hell works.
After everyone finally realises that Elena had been possessed by her Doppelgänger Predecessor, It is actually shown that Katherine were more or less dragged away from Bonnie before she could crossover to the Otherside. So we do have some idea as to how one ends up in Hell.
Suggested correction: Katherine was a human technically when she died.
Technically, she was supernatural because she was a doppelganger, so she should've gone through Bonnie.
And even she was a traveller.

Plot hole: Diana in her final scene is seen shooting her last bullets at the walkers that are offscreen, moving toward her, so suicide was not an option, meaning the walkers would have eaten her until she died, becoming a walker. And yet her body is completely clean when her son and Michone discover her in walker form. Blood free (even on her clothes) and fully intact, no chunks of her missing, no bite marks.

Plot hole: At the end of the episode when Tommy has change the witches into little statues, he's a werewolf. Then he runs to Stacey and changes back. However, in Hello Nasty it takes a Haiku from Merton to change Tommy back.

The Man Who Was Never Born - S1-E6
Plot hole: Andro has memorized "every detail" of Cabot Jr.'s life, including his mother's name, Noel. Yet when he travels to the past, meets Noel and learns her name, he still mistakes Cabot Sr. for Cabot Jr., who isn't born yet. Having memorized all those details, he would have known the moment he met her that Noel was Jr.'s mother. Andro's confusion makes no sense. (00:28:00)

Plot hole: Lucien, Trustan and Aurora are somehow compelled to believe they are Mikaelsons, when no-one knew how to compel until Elijah compelled Aurora by mistake when they fled. So when did this supposed compelling happen? Did Elijah go back and do it later on? The siblings all had knowledge of him compelling them, so I'm confused exactly when they all learned of their ability.

Attack Of The Mutant (1) - S2-E2
Plot hole: Skipper spots the Masked Mutant's headquarters the first time he goes past. He then goes back the next day, and the headquarters have vanished. He then goes back a third time, and the headquarters aren't there yet again. However Skipper says "How can it be. It was right here yesterday," although it wasn't.

Plot hole: It's been established that if you die on the property, you remain as a ghost for all of eternity. However, in Season 8, Moira's bones are retrieved and buried in a cemetery so that her ghost can escape and join her mother. However not all the ghost's bones are buried on the property, we know for sure that the Black Dahlia was not buried on the property and it's not likely Tate, Vivian, Ben or some of the others are buried on the property as well so they should not be tied to the house.
Suggested correction: Tate's victims from the school shooting are ghosts who can move between different locations. There's nothing to suggest that the ghost of the Black Dahlia isn't merely choosing to be in the Murder House rather than being tied to it. The same goes for Vivien and Ben, since Violet is going to stay in the house, so might they.

Home Again - S2-E9
Plot hole: Old Ash travels back in time to 1982 to snatch the Necronomicon before Young Ash ever finds it (which should, presumably, erase all of the evil events from the original Evil Dead film right up to the present). Upon escaping the cabin, Old Ash finds that the timeline has self-corrected, and his amputated right hand has reappeared on his arm. But he is still in the 1980s. If the timeline had truly self-corrected, then Old Ash's car, his friends, and he himself would have vanished instantly from the 1980s, because the purpose of their mission never existed.
Suggested correction: Time travel is not real. The rules of it are dependent on what the writers deem fit. Ergo, this isn't a plot-hole.
By that rationale, plot holes don't exist in any films, because the screenwriters are making all the rules. But, of course, plot holes do exist because screenwriters forget their own rules. In this case, the screenwriters chose to go down the path of correcting the Evil Dead timeline, but then they forgot to correct the timeline.
Baal was messing with time.

Over My Head - S3-E4
Plot hole: Daphne was able to hurt Duke because his name appears on her cell when he called, but names only show up on a cell phone if the person's number and name are programed into the phone, and Duke has already said he doesn't know her.

The Monsters are Due on Maple Street - S1-E22
Plot hole: The street sign in the beginning is all wrong: it faces the camera rather than the street where the story takes place. In a typical American city, street signs are almost always placed in the direction of the street they are indicating, so drivers on the other street in the intersection know what they are turning onto or passing. In other words, the story is not set on Maple Street! Maple Street is the intersecting street at the end of the road the story is set on.