Other mistake: When Teela is at Snake Mountain, she overhears TrapJaw saying how Skeletor's electrical creature will control all of the machines at the palace. When Teela returns to He-Man, she says that the creature Skeletor created is called Byte. There's no way for Teela to know the name of the creature, since TrapJaw never referred to it by name. (00:14:24 - 00:15:20)
Beyond the Farthest Star - S1-E1
Other mistake: When showing Scotty on the bridge, some of the frames show more of his body than others. In those frames, you can see that he lacks legs.
Other mistake: In the sequence with Love Delux destroying the hotdog stand, notice that the sign is crudely drawn and does not resemble the look of the stand. It even says "Hot DOC" (00:06:30)
Episode #1.5 - S1-E5
Other mistake: When the women are practicing their archery skills, one of the women says "I wonder why Lady Yun is absent today." But the captions add an extra N to the name Yun, misspelling the name as Lady Yunn. (00:15:41)
Other mistake: The police vehicles are marked with the fictional 'Greater London Police', but in speech the characters refer to the real Metropolitan Police.
Episode #1.4 - S1-E4
Other mistake: A major plot point is the rivalry between the Wehrmacht and the SS, who refuse to work together. After the explosion at the cemetery, it is the Wehrmacht who are explicitly described as rounding up and interning suspected resistance fighters, with the SS not being party to it. However, when Archer visits the internment camp, most of the staff are wearing SS uniform.
Nothing Sudden About It - S4-E3
Other mistake: The agent reaches into a toilet tank to retrieve a wristband. He holds the wristband up to look at it, and his hand isn't wet. (00:25:47)
Other mistake: At the beginning of the episode, there are a few sequences with police cars going at notable speed down the streets of New York. In a few instances, you can see people gathered in street corners, looking at the filming. One egregious example is when the criminals loading the van are startled by the sirens. In the following shot, two bystanders look at the car, then turn towards the camera, and one even takes a few steps back to get out of frame. (00:03:40)
Other mistake: McKay and Jackson enters a room and runs into 2 armored figures, Jackson eventually reveals that they are empty suits, however in every shot shot from behind the suits, the suits are constantly moving, as if they are hanging on strings.
Just a Matter of Time - S5-E13
Other mistake: In reality, Steve would radio in from the capsule as soon as he woke up on Earth, but strangely failed to do so until later in the episode.
Other mistake: You don't have to look further than the name; the title of the series is "Knight's and Magic" instead of "Knights and Magic".
Episode #1.4 - S1-E4
Other mistake: Dr Ambrose, talking about a doctor tending to patients on death row, says "Hippocrates is spinning in his grave." The subtitles say "Hypocrites is spinning in his grave."
Other mistake: The voice-over mentions a DC10 almost hitting an Airbus. The plane shown has two engines - a DC10 has 3 engines.
Other mistake: They keep saying the taxi cab is 20 years old, but that cab is brand-new in the episode.
Other mistake: Preacher has a large bold tattoo at the center of his chest below his neck that changes repeatedly. For example, it's dark and clear when they capture the deputy, but it's smudged and partially gone when Preacher forces Stella, the deputy, and Ralph into the 18-wheeler. (00:29:10 - 00:36:50)
Until Sunset, the Full Moon - S1-E7
Other mistake: In Italy, in a mountain home in the Alps, owned by Italians, Zenigata is using a big bottle of sake to cook. Not exactly what you find in 99.9% of Italian kitchens. (00:07:30)
Other mistake: The opening scene shows a captive with a hood over his head being dragged barefoot along a long driveway by two men. His feet are dragging over the ground. He is then strung up by his hands, and when they show his feet, there is not a scratch on them.
Other mistake: Two Tiffs can be seen for a few seconds when King Dedede and Escargoon drive in.
Other mistake: When Bodie, Julie and Myer reach the vicarage, an editing blunder seems to show the door opening twice.