Best thriller movie stupidity of all time

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Oldboy picture

Stupidity: Oldboy finds the right Blue Dragon restaurant that the prison uses. But him running after the delivery boy doesn't make sense. How does he know the delivery boy is going to the prison? He knows it's the right takeaway, but that's all he knows. So, would he have a moped, bicycle, or car ready to use surely? The takeaway is a long way from the prison (as he says himself in narration), so he wouldn't just wait around for a moped delivery to run after, especially as a good chance he wouldn't be able to keep up.

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More Death Proof stupidity
The Cabin in the Woods picture

Stupidity: We see that the control room had the teenagers' heartbeats and pulses monitored. When Marty was presumed killed, the control room thought so as well, but he did surprisingly reappear at the end. They didn't bother to check the monitor to see whether or not his vital signs had stopped.

More The Cabin in the Woods stupidity
Breakdown picture

Stupidity: Red and his gang have a barn full of stuff and talk about other couples and people they have kidnapped, robbed and probably killed. This indicates they have been in the "game" for a long time and been successful to avoid capture this long yet when Kurt Russell didn't want to get in the car, instead of cutting their losses, they went along with kidnapping his wife and initiating the whole ruse of her never getting in Reds truck which is what led to their downfall. Someone with the experience of this that Red has should know not to take such a big risk with a complicated story.


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Volcano picture

Stupidity: Mike Roark is supposed to be the director of an agency that is in charge of coordinating all the resources of the city in the event of a natural disaster, but he doesn't know what a "geological event" is, not to mention magma?


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Midnight Run picture

Stupidity: Jack has been using Mosley's badge and identification to pass himself off as FBI. He never once uses this trick to commandeer a civilian car for him and John when it would have been the safest way to get to L.A. much sooner.

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Suggested correction: Probably because If he did that, the car's owner like Red the bar owner would eventually call the FBI office to get their car back and then the feds would know the make, model, license plate, and the last location of Walsh and the Duke. The police would have caught them in minutes. Walsh had to keep a low profile.


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Armageddon picture

Stupidity: Colonel Sharpe retrieves a gun from a locker on the Freedom shuttle. However, said gun is shown lying flat on the floor of the compartment, with no visible means of securing it, which would hardly be standard NASA procedure given the shuttle undergoes a high-G launch, orbital manoeuvres and various other high acceleration events. A loaded gun bouncing around is the last thing anyone would allow on a shuttle. (01:42:39)


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Avatar picture

Stupidity: Having become the leader of the universe's most stealthy fighters, he promptly leads them in a Custer-esque noisy frontal charge into a force with known weapon and technology superiority. Zero effort to utilize ANY of their amazing stealth, just have them slaughtered so badly that the planet has to sacrifice animals to save them from extinction.

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Joker picture

Stupidity: After one of the policemen decides to jump over the railing and right into the angry mob (!), Arthur just easily sneaks by ducking under it and takes a nice stroll that will lead him through an unlocked door. Nobody in the mob he is part of decides to do the same, and you can also see that one of the policemen is turned towards him, but does not even yell at him or move. And of course, with the theater packed with the Gotham elite basically under siege by a mob and guarded by the police, the door is unlocked and unchecked. Why not. (01:02:55)


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Suggested correction: The point is they were all too distracted by the tussle to notice Arthur ducking behind the barrier. No cop sees him. The angry mob is controlled by the barrier and not all that large so they haven't taken extra precautions to keep the mob at bay, yet. The door Arthur gets in is probably a fire escape and can't be locked for safety reasons.


I think that with an angry mob worth putting barriers and a big police dispatch, they'd tend to lock the door that is like a 20 feet of walk in a straight line. I mean, they have barriers in front of the stairs, but at the base of the stairs there's an unguarded, unprotected, unlocked door. It's just funny. Not even something in the back or around the corner, no; literally one step to the right of the blockade.


More Joker stupidity
Maze Runner: The Death Cure picture

Stupidity: Why weren't any of the guards thinking of running to the base of the crane to stop it? Surely there was a more than fair chance to capture Frypan as he had to stay up there and swing the bus to outside of the wall and lower it. Not only does that take a long time, he had to climb back down again.

More Maze Runner: The Death Cure stupidity
Ghost Rider picture

Stupidity: When the rider is on the roof of the skyscraper dealing with the helicopter and the wind demon, everyone around the building keep looking up in shock and awe - like they could see ANYTHING from ground level.


More Ghost Rider stupidity
Unhinged picture

Stupidity: The guy who offered to help Rachel go to her car at the gas station and get away from road-raging Tom walked directly in front of the path Tom would be taking to leave. When the guy realised Tom was going to run him over, he went onto the road instead of toward the store where he would be safer. Also, the guy - knowing Rachel's situation - foolishly told Tom that he got his plate number, which served to aggravate Tom into driving into him. (00:32:15)


More Unhinged stupidity
Life picture

Stupidity: Why didn't they take out the crushed hand guy while the creature was fumbling inside the glove? Plenty of time to do it. Why did no one use a knife to stab the creature?

More Life stupidity
No Time to Die picture

Stupidity: After the fight in the woods Bond walks back a long way, instead of driving the Toyota he had left in the forest in full working order.

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Suggested correction: The Toyota has had a major chase over very rough terrain, it may no longer be operable.

It was operating fine when they stopped it in the middle of the forest.

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Willy's Wonderland picture

Stupidity: Liv and her five friends went to Willy's to set it on fire, but Liv insisted they first go inside to get the Janitor out. All were aware of the situation and danger related to the mass murderer and the animatronics, but Bobby and Kathy went into another room to "hook up." Kathy recognized the room as the one where the killers committed suicide and later saw movement, but she continued having sex with Bobby until he was attacked and killed. (00:38:48 - 00:42:02)


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Speed 2: Cruise Control picture

Stupidity: Dafoe does a lot of looking around while flying the plane. He could have pulled up much sooner. Then he screams and puts his hand to his face, and then he sees the tower and crashes into it. (01:53:29)

More Speed 2: Cruise Control stupidity
Escape From L.A. picture

Stupidity: When Snake is surfing up to Eddie's car, all Eddie had to do was hit the brakes and Snake would have helplessly surfed right past him. But instead he accelerated, idiotically.

Gavin Jackson

More Escape From L.A. stupidity
Memory picture

Stupidity: Alex, a contract killer, went to the hospital to kill a patient. After parking in the hospital garage, Alex put his car keys under the sun visor, risking the possibility that his car could be stolen. When Alex returned to his vehicle, the keys were not there. A professional or expert assassin should take precautions to assure his getaway car will be there and keep his keys on him. (00:01:45 - 00:04:30)


More Memory stupidity
Halloween 5 picture

Stupidity: It seems stupid on the part of the hermit to keep Michael in his shack for over a year given he tried to strangle him and was bleeding that night. He should've gone to the police.


More Halloween 5 stupidity
Elevation picture

Stupidity: One of the actors microwaves bullets and then loads one into a weapon. Only problem: she/he (I did not pay attention) puts the round the wrong way around into the magazine. Then the person loads the magazine with the one round visible in the wrong direction into the weapon. I would say that this should not be working. (04:25:00)


More Elevation stupidity

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