Stupidity: Colonel Sharpe retrieves a gun from a locker on the Freedom shuttle. However, said gun is shown lying flat on the floor of the compartment, with no visible means of securing it, which would hardly be standard NASA procedure given the shuttle undergoes a high-G launch, orbital manoeuvres and various other high acceleration events. A loaded gun bouncing around is the last thing anyone would allow on a shuttle. (01:42:39)

Stupidity: When the two Russians are walking past the security guard after killing Gregor, they are just allowed out without being detained because one of them shows a Chilean passport. The French gendarmes are not that incompetent. They would detain the men until everything is (or is not) cleared up. (01:49:05)

Stupidity: When Will Smith and Gene Hackman are running through the railroad yard. Gene calls Will by his real name, "Will" and not by his character's name "Robert."
Suggested correction: You could be a little bit more specific, but I don't hear him say "Will" at any point during that run.