Visible crew/equipment: When Dalton pulls up to Red's Auto Store just after Jimmy and the other guy get in the red Mustang, you can see the crew in the reflection of the car door as they back out and drive away. (00:44:45)
Other mistake: The Mexican newspaper that Michael Douglas is reading in the helicopter has a headline where all of the accents are missing. No newspaper, even a cheap one, would make such a typo error. (01:27:35)
Continuity mistake: The tyres on the crotch rocket motorcycles they were riding kept changing from knobbly tyres to road slicks, back and forth depending on what terrain they were on. Easiest to see when Ethan skids on the road to avoid the white van - clear shot of slick tyres - then about 30 seconds later they're on the dirt, he skids into the old car and you can easily see that he's got off-road tyres front and back.
Visible crew/equipment: When David Mann stops off at the reptile lady's place, he enters a phone booth to call the police. When he's inside, you can see a perfect reflection of Spielberg. Look how young he looks.
Continuity mistake: When the tanks are moving into the city with the Marines i.e. after meeting Private Cowboy, Animal Mother and the rest, they run into a firefight. When they stop shooting and are reloading watch the leader's ammo clip. It's missing in one shot of him, in the next he's ejecting the magazine and putting in a fresh one before shooting the two Vietnamese with it.
Visible crew/equipment: As the motorbike falls from the highway, just after it explodes there's a very short wide shot of the site with Danny Glover standing by his car and a couple of guys in hard hats standing around (or running for their life). If you look right behind Danny Glover you can see two people, one in a white hat, one in a red, and one of them is holding a camera - they start moving backwards just before the end of the shot. We then see the bike blowing up, then a close up shot of Danny Glover, from the camera we've just seen. (01:30:25)
Continuity mistake: When Kristen meets the little girl drawing the chalk house, between the two shots before it starts raining, the chalk drawing changes. (00:02:35)
Continuity mistake: The photo of Cleric Partridge with Mary O'Brien is crumpled and folded when we first see it in the morgue and when Cleric Preston shows it to O'Brien. However, when Preston is sitting at his desk and looking at the photo by himself, closeups of the photo show it as smooth without the signs of wear and tear seen previously. (01:01:25 - 01:03:20)
Visible crew/equipment: As the Power Rangers are running out of Maligore's temple as the volcanic pit erupts, in the shot from behind them all running out, down the path, if you look to the right of the screen, in the bushes you can plainly see two crewmembers standing there; one in red trousers and the other in a blue shirt holding a drink. (01:21:05)
Continuity mistake: When the search party goes into the boneship, they are wearing full space suits, and hoods under their helmets. When Kane's helmet is first cut off, he has no hood on. (00:36:45)
Continuity mistake: In the first scene in Giuseppe Baldini's perfume shop, his employee comes in and starts setting three candles in a candelabra. He sets them very straight and upright, however after we cut to Guiseppe asking if he knows of Amor et Psyche and back to the shot of the candelabra again, all three candles are wonky. This is more than simple gravity could have caused. (00:27:30)
Continuity mistake: When Blade has been rescued by Abigail and Hannibal and the 3 of them are approaching the hideout, notice in Abigail's back quiver there is one arrow left, yet in the next shot when they're walking up the stairs she has two.
Continuity mistake: When the huge tidal wave hits the bus you see a man standing on top of a taxi, number 7Z22, which gets crushed by the water. Moments afterwards you hear the French woman saying that she left her bag behind. If you look on the right side of Laura you can see a still intact taxi with the number 7Z22 on it. (00:47:30 - 00:48:00)
Revealing mistake: In the first scene of the film, Evan is writing frantically in a journal and his last words that the camera zooms in on are "Save her". Look closely and you can see that those same words are already indented on the page as indicated by a visible letter "s" and "h" and a period that had already been written on the pad of paper. Obviously they had done some other takes. (00:01:35)
Visible crew/equipment: When Nick is seen again after Elvin has beaten him up, Nick smashes the window of a car to get to the radio and gun. As he is opening the door of the car you can see in the sideview mirror the legs of about 4-5 crew members. (01:29:00)
Factual error: When they are refuelling the helicopter (as a zombie approaches quietly from behind) the actor has put the gas nozzle not into the hole for the gas tank, but into one of the foot-holes that helicopter mechanics use to climb up to the top of the helicopter to do repairs. It doesn't even fit properly. (00:22:55)
Continuity mistake: After May bites Adam's lip, she takes Adam's bloody hand and smears blood over her chin and neck. The amount of blood on her keeps changing after that. (00:40:40)
Continuity mistake: After Melanie has been bandaged up after her attack, she sits up on the sofa, and you can see two large bloody scratches on her cheek. These scratches disappear when Mitch and Lydia walk Melanie outside to the car. (01:51:25)
Continuity mistake: When Bill is cutting the crusts off a sandwich towards the end, he cuts two off, goes to remove the third, then the angle changes and he's now cutting it in half. After that we hear him sweep the crusts off the board and see him hand the sandwich to BB, then a shot or two later crusts are back on the board and he cleans them off again to make another sandwich. (01:29:05)
Continuity mistake: When Samir is shot and falls into the pool, he falls in facing up. But the underwater angle shows him land in the water face down. (01:42:45)