Easter egg: On Disc 1 at the main menu, go to "Movie Theatre", then press down four times, It should highlight Benny's speedometer. Press enter to view the original theatrical trailer.
Easter egg: On the DVD, normal version, go to the special features menu. Highlight theatrical trailer and press right on your DVD remote. Paddles will appear across Matthew Lillard's chest. Press enter and you will be taken to an alternate version of the pot burning scene.
Easter egg: On the special collector's edition, in the Special Features second menu (go to Special Features then go to MORE - its the menu with the gag reel and deleted scenes) then press 1 on your remote. The EXTRA written on the upper-left of the newspaper should light up and you will get a 2 minute clip entitled "Secret behind the scenes look at the animation department, by Steve Meyer". There's a surprise ending so go watch it.
Easter egg: Highlight the first option on the Bonus Features and hit left. Press enter to get commentary bloopers.
Easter egg: As with "The Pink Panther" and "The Pink Panther Strikes Again", on the main menu hit the right arrow until the title lights up and then hit enter. A movie poster appears, but this time it is in B&W instead of color.
Easter egg: When you put in the DVD, instead of clicking on 'play movie' move left and the friendly Jesus says, "Don't play movie." If you click on that, it gives you various messages, different each time.
Easter egg: Go to Special Features. Go to the next screen via the More option. Hit up arrow until a ball becomes highlighted. Select the ball and you will see a picture of the crew and a girl give a long scream.
Easter egg: On the Basic Instinct Deluxe Edition DVD, go to the main menu and click on Special Features. At the Special Features menu, scroll down and then to the right to highlight the icepick. Clicking on it gives you Sharon Stone's screen tests of 3 scenes in the movie.
Easter egg: Take the paper DVD cover out of the plastic sleeve and you will see four numbers. Go to interactive mode, enter this number and you will have access to the entire movie from the film-makers view, including deleted scenes.