Easter egg: In the special features under the "Philosophy of Time Travel Book" in scroll through until you see a man with a target around him. Press the up button and the target is highlighted. Press enter.

Easter egg: Once you're in the Main Menu, highlight the option where it says "Don't watch this". Then, using the directional arrows, press Down, and then Down again. You'll notice the pointer on the screen will dissappear. Then, press the Select button on your remote. Watch this AFTER seeing the whole movie, otherwise it won't have an effect on you.

Easter egg: On the 'choose their fate' version of the movie, straight after Ashlyn says 'oh a few degrees won't hurt' you get asked which temperature she should change it to (73 degrees or 76 degrees) if you choose 76 degrees, you see Ashlyn and Ashley's alternate death. Instead of being incinerated, the pair are electrocuted, as Ashlyn manages to get out of her tanning bed before the wood shelf jams the pair in, instead she is hit in the head (and knocked unconscious) by the wooden shelf. She later awakens, frees the wood from Ashley's bed, and quotes "I got you" and grabs Ashley's hand, but the glass of the bed underneath Ashley breaks, and she falls into the wiring of the tanning bed, electrocuting them both.

Easter egg: On the Main Menu, when Scooby-Doo is startled by the ghost and he drops the Scooby Snack in his mouth, highlight it and then press Enter. This will access a short featurette on how it rained on set, during filming. Also, on the Special Features' second page, hit left on your remote and the sign with "Zoinks" under it will light up, then hit Enter.

Easter egg: Go to the page for scenes 13-16. After you wait for a while,(Note: a lot of patience is required to find this) a 17th scene will appear. Click on it and it will take you to a page with secret military files. Unfortunately, only three of them actually work. Only time will tell how to access the other ones.

Easter egg: On the 2-disc Collectors Edition, go to the second page of the "Bonus Features" and highlight "Evolution of a Golden City". Press the left arrow button on the remote twice and a small figurehead will appear on the lower left corner of the doorway. Press the "Enter" button and enjoy.

Easter egg: To access the chronological version of the film on the 3 DISC SPECIAL EDITION (with the negatively inverted photos on the cover), insert DISC 2 and highlight BIOGRAPHIES, the press right and the cursor will hang over a black space, press enter and the feature will start. On this version, chapter skips and scans are ENABLED.

Easter egg: On the Main Menu, go up on the 'Play Movie' option on the Hot Fuzz logo. When selected, it will show an out-take of Simon Pegg jumping over the garden fences.

Easter egg: At the main menu, press enter on Play. You will then be given a choice to either watch the movie with just one random ending or all three endings. Choose to watch the movie with one random ending and press enter. Note: The entire movie from this point must be watched from beginning to end. When the movie ends and the main menu reappears, press down on the control three times and the little magnifying glass will turn green. Press enter and you can then choose which ending you want to see.

Easter egg: Go to special features and press button to go to next menu, when there keep pushing the right arrow. You will see a question mark press enter and see how they created Samara.

Easter egg: In the two-disc special edition set, on the second disc, go to Complete Index of Unique Features, then Day Out Of Days, then click on virtually any item. Press up to find different Easter Eggs that will show you a small clip.

Easter egg: On the three-disc special edition, there are 3 hidden features. On Disc 2, enter the 'Production' menu, then highlight main menu and press right to highlight a hidden symbol. On the same disc, in 'Pre-Production', go into 'Prep', highlight 'Safe Cracking School' and press right. On Disc 3, go to the fourth page of 'Visual Effects', highlight 'CGI Propane Tank' and press right.

Easter egg: On Disc 2, go to the Chamber Challenge in Activities and the narrator says something about a secret passage. Well, at the start instead of clicking the center forward arrow, be quick and press 'LEFT' on your remote, then it reveals the secret passage. On the U.S. release press 'LEFT' and then press 'UP' and again it shows the secret passage, bypassing the questions.

Easter egg: Go to Special Features. Go to the next screen via the More option. Hit up arrow until a ball becomes highlighted. Select the ball and you will see a picture of the crew and a girl give a long scream.

Easter egg: On the Basic Instinct Deluxe Edition DVD, go to the main menu and click on Special Features. At the Special Features menu, scroll down and then to the right to highlight the icepick. Clicking on it gives you Sharon Stone's screen tests of 3 scenes in the movie.

Easter egg: Take the paper DVD cover out of the plastic sleeve and you will see four numbers. Go to interactive mode, enter this number and you will have access to the entire movie from the film-makers view, including deleted scenes.

Easter egg: On the 2nd disc, if you go to dissection then hit the down arrow then the right arrow, it will tell you the story of Billy the puppet.

Easter egg: If you click on the sled seen on the "Special Features" screen, you'll find a 1997 interview with actress Ruth Warrick. During this five minute and 40 second piece, Warrick discusses issues such as the atmosphere on the Kane set, her interactions with Welles, and a few other interesting topics. (From the 2 disc special edition 60th anniversary set-2001).

Easter egg: Go in to the Bonus Features and then into "The In-Flight Movie: The making of Flightplan." Place the cursor on "D-Connectin Flights: Post Production" and press left twice and a little circle with a > symbol in it should appear. Click on it to hear the director talk about the post 9-11 movie problems.

Easter egg: If you look under Special Features, use the arrow keys to highlight "On Set Peeks", then use the left arrow key to light up a Red symbol. If you click on it, another menu called Haunts will appear with 2 more features - one shows a long version of the home movies shown in the film. The other is a scare reel that shows all the scary parts of the movie condensed to about 2 minutes.