Plot hole: Necros had absolutely no way of knowing that Bond and Saunders had arranged to meet at the café when they did and wouldn't have had anywhere near enough time to track them down and set up his elaborate booby trap. Saunders only suggested the meeting place and time a few hours earlier, and it was kept strictly between him and Bond. The scene in Tangier, where Whittaker tells Necros to kill another British agent, takes place on the same day Bond arrived in Vienna; meaning that Necros got from Tangier to Vienna (a 5-hour plus flight), tracked down Saunders, acquired the materials to booby trap the café doors (or had planned this ahead of time - unlikely), and set the trap up well in advance of him and Bond getting to the fairground. There was nowhere near enough time for all of that to happen without Necros having psychic knowledge of Saunders' movements.

Plot hole: Delores is walking into the murder scene at the beginning of the movie just as Ernie is shot. Later, while she is being questioned, she tells the two detectives what the thugs said and did, yet, she was not eavesdropping or looking through the door.

Plot hole: Cutting plastic explosive and disguising it as chewing gum wouldn't hide the smell from bomb sniffing dogs.

Plot hole: When Ritchie appears at a pizza party sponsored by a local radio station, his manager Bob Keane is handing out copies of Ritchie's first album. In reality, the album had not been released until April 1959, two months after Ritchie's death. As the actual LP includes his biggest hit "Donna", Ritchie had not yet recorded (or even composed) the song in this part of the movie until a few scenes later.

Plot hole: At the concert in Crowley Corners, Miley announces that she will sing a new song she just wrote, "The Climb." Somehow the band and the backup singers all know the words and the music.

Plot hole: In Jonathan's ballet at the workshop, Sergei proceeds very slowly through an array of twenty dancers before reaching the leading lady, whom he expects to be Maureen. But instead it is Eva, whom Maureen has asked to take her place. When Sergei sees Eva, he is extremely surprised. I guess that could make sense, if he's been focused on his own dancing. But the stage crew and several dancers in the wings start chattering confusedly, as if they've also just seen Eva for the first time in that same moment. However, Eva must have been standing there for several minutes, or at the very least had just walked through the crowd of surprised people, and Maureen must have been missing from her spot this whole time, so these people should be in mid-reaction. (01:26:50)

Plot hole: When Wayne and Garth are trying to get Mr Big to hear Cassandra's band, they refer to when they spoke to the security guard earlier in the movie. They claim he said Mr Big would be in Chicago on Friday when he actually didn't - he never mentioned a specific day at all and just said he was travelling that way next week. (00:59:50 - 01:12:40)

Plot hole: When the boys go to get Ringo out of the police station, the other 3 are in front of the police officers and Ringo is way behind strolling along with his camera. When they get trapped in the courtyard they are all together. How did Ringo manage to pass all the policemen with out getting arrested, whilst going slower than everyone else?

Plot hole: Even though Rita left the choir early into rehearsal for the contest, and her mother took her music away to prevent her practising before she had learned it, she still manages to know the song by heart and the dance routine perfectly when she rejoins her friends last minute. She couldn't have perfected her performance in the time she had.
Suggested correction: First off, I think it's possible for them to practice the song as they're going to the performance and second, the dance routine looked more improvised and considering that they changed the arrangement at last minute, I think it makes sense. Also, who's to say that Rita doesn't have a good memory?
On the same note, they repeated the same moves a couple times. She probably just caught on.

Plot hole: Vanilla Ice jumps over the fence causing the horse Kat is riding to buck her off to the ground. How does he make his motorcycle jump over a fence when he is riding on a road? I don't think it's possible unless there was a ramp on the side of the road, and I didn't see one.

Plot hole: When Mr. Jeffries finds out that Evan is named August Rush too, he goes to the Central Park concert and sees Evan onstage, however he couldn't know that Evan was having a concert, or even that Evan was at that place at that time.
Suggested correction: There were streetlight banners all over Central Park with August Rush's name on them (and presumably the Philharmonic had flyers and other ads with August's name on them). So it's certainly conceivable that Jeffries recognized the name from an advertisement.

Plot hole: When the chipmunks finally release their first song, there is a montage showing the chipmunks rising musical success. In one shot we see a marquee promoting "The Chipmunks Premiere CD Release", and on it is a picture of the chipmunks in the clothes Dave has made them (note Alvin in his 'A' jumper.) However, Dave doesn't actually make the chipmunks these clothes until further on in the film. (00:41:50)

Plot hole: The house has no pool, even though Walter tells the homeowner she has the best kept pool he's ever seen.
Suggested correction: When Walter tells the homeowner that the pool is well-kept, she lets out a groan that suggests that it's a flood.
I think it was because the lady who owned the house said her husband was deported out of the country because it turned out that during the war her husband was Hitler's pool boy, and she didn't know it. I would assume that he would keep a nice pool and since her husband was gone, she needed to sell the house.

Plot hole: Gail and Katie talk in her shed about Guy's phone call. Katie says "I didn't lie about anything", which is a really odd non sequitur. All Gail said was "I just got off the phone with Guy Morgan. Your phone. He just loved that little demo you left him. I have underestimated you. It'd make me proud if I actually cared about you." Nothing about it prompts a response like that, except the plot point that Gail told Guy that Katie lied about it appropriating Bev's demo. But Katie does not know that fact at that point. (00:21:00)

Plot hole: At the end, everyone was returned to their own timeline. Except for Ted's dad. He's shown still playing till the end and not disappearing like the others. However, this version of Ted's dad came from the future when he attempted to arrest his son at David Grohl's house. Therefore, he should have disappeared with the others and returned to his future timeline.
Suggested correction: That's not what happened at the end at all. Only those whose were time-displaced returned to their own timeline. Which is why we see Kid Cudi leave, he was time-displaced and not picked up in the time machine. You can even see Ling Lun is still playing.
Incorrect. Ted's dad was time displaced as well. He never arrived by the time machine, but was sent to hell after being killed by Dennis. Therefore, he should have been sent back to his future timeline.
Ted's dad was never time-displaced, nor did I say he arrived by time-machine. He was sent to Hell in his own time line and then went with the group to 2020. Unlike Kid Cudi who was time-displaced because he popped out of his own timeline because of time and space collapsing. Just being from a different time isn't what time-displaced meant.