Audio problem: When Chris drives up in the truck while Selena is mowing the lawn, Selena asks what he got. While you hear "junk food" his mouth says something else.

Audio problem: When Chase pulls out the key to MSA, you hear the sound of many keys clanging together. However, if you look closely, there is only one key on the ring.

Audio problem: In the opening scene when the band Black Plague is performing, the audio is out of sync and the drums aren't playing what they should be. When playing the cowbell the drummer is hitting the hi-hat, and so on. Also when hitting the snare it's out of sync, Bobby Black is also missing some notes. And when the backing vocals are heard no-one is singing. (00:01:45)

Audio problem: When Lizzie is performing at the end of the movie at the awards show, at the part where we see her from the back facing the blue light, her voice sounds like it's changing. It seems like it's someone much older singing, or the synthesizer went wrong. It just obviously isn't Lizzie's voice anymore.

Audio problem: In the scene where Robbie is sitting outside and Linda walks up to him to tell him about why she called the wedding off, she firstly walks on the concrete and you can hear her footsteps, then she walks on the grass, but you can still hear her heels clicking.

Audio problem: When Penny and Johnny are teaching Baby their dance routine, Penny puts on a record. Look closely and you can see that Penny moves the arm to place it on the record, then she takes it away, even though the music is still playing. Even if it's a directorial device for us to hear different music than they do, it's still a mistake because she's not actually playing the record, meaning there isn't any music for them to dance to. (00:36:35)

Audio problem: When Corny introduces himself at the auto show, the audio is not in sync with his lips.

Audio problem: When Eddie runs in and starts singing "I Got Nothing But Love" the song is playing in the background and the lyrics can be heard ahead of him actually singing them.

Audio problem: At the graduation in the beginning, the percussion section is playing on concert snares, but the sound those snares are making is that of Kevlar heads on a high tension snare. It is not possible to tune a concert snare to sound like that.

Audio problem: When Anna and Tess go back to the Chinese restaurant to ask them about the fortune, Pei Pei calls her mother to them. When her mother responds to one question you can hear her talking but her mouth is no longer moving.

Audio problem: Terri takes her friends out to a restaurant, and she starts singing a song, and where she says, "The way you swept me off my feet," her mouth doesn't move at all.

Audio problem: In the scene at the Palace Hotel Ballroom, when the Blues Brothers are singing their 2nd tune (Sweet Home Chicago), you can hear both Jake and Elwood on the soundtrack but Elwood is dancing down the middle aisle without even a microphone in his hand and his mouth is not moving. There is also a shot during the same song where Jake's singing and pauses do not line up with what we see visually. When he sings "baby don'cha you want to go-oh - -" we see his mouth stop moving, then when he pauses, his mouth is still singing. As a matter of fact, the entire number has mistakes like this and mistakes of continuity. (01:54:20)

Audio problem: When Jimmy takes Lilly inside, the first time he gets to the trailer, you hear Greg say "What the f*ck I do?" But his mouth isn't moving at all. (00:12:20)

Audio problem: When Lola is on stage performing Eliza Rocks, she turns her head away from the audience and quickly whips it back. As she is turning her head away her lips are not moving, but the song continues.

Audio problem: After Dewey and Miss Mullins go to the bar, Dewey is heard singing and snapping his fingers as he drives. However, you can see through the windshield that both of his hands are on the steering wheel and he is not snapping his fingers.

Audio problem: In the scene during the flashback of when Lestat was first created during the shot with the girl on the beach, Lestat begins to play with her. When there is a close up of the woman's face, you can see her bow strokes. However, the strokes don't match up with the audio on the song you hear. (00:26:30)

Audio problem: When Jodie goes to the inner city dance class, the teacher says, 'Get ready to get down and contract' but when she says, 'and contract' the words do not match her mouth movements.

Audio problem: When Galleria is playing the piano by herself at school, it's obvious she really isn't playing. Her hands are moving way too slow for some of the parts and at the end, her hands are playing very low on the bass notes when the notes heard are in middle-low C range.

Audio problem: When The Kid and Apollonia first arrive at the lake, you can hear them talking, but their mouths are not moving as they walk along the edge of the lake. (00:19:20)

Audio problem: During the song 'Found A Job' (about 30/60 secs. in?) a cymbal crash can be heard, but the drummer doesn't hit a cymbal. Later on, the error is reversed (drummer hits cymbal but no crash is heard).