Best horror movie other mistakes of all time

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Exorcist: The Beginning picture

Other mistake: Both times that Father Merrin ventures into the sacrificial chamber beneath the church, as he is walking down the flight of stairs, the rock wall behind him is well lit as if there were another lamp sitting right in front of it. In the shot immediately after it, the rocks are in total darkness, even though he has not moved much. He is already far from them in the first place, so the light could not have reached the rock wall and illuminated it so brightly.

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Urban Legend picture

Other mistake: The killer leaves the corpses of the Dean and Parker where they are and walks away, but they later appear in the room at Stanley Hall.


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Suggested correction: That is because the killer is moving around the bodies. Just like when Damon is killed. His body is not where it was left when Alicia Witt comes back with the cops.

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The Hitcher picture

Other mistake: The Hitcher reverses his pick-up truck out of the gas station after he drops the lighted match. His wheels, wheel arches and perhaps the underside of the truck would have been soaked in petrol as he drove over the gushing pumps. So as he was burning rubber during this manoeuvre - this would have ignited the petrol on his truck.

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The Mummy picture

Other mistake: When Evie is in the library and all the book cases start to tumble over, if you look at one of the corner book cases you can see a piece of paper landing on it and the books are clearly painted on a flat piece of cardboard. (00:13:30)

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Braindead picture

Other mistake: As Lionel is hanging from the ceiling and the zombie priest and nurse come toward each other, the pitchfork that Uncle Lez shoved into the priest impales the nurse and it is covered with blood. A split second later it is clean. (01:22:45)

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The Blob picture

Other mistake: We know that the blob dissolves flesh and hair and that it can also burn wood (since fluid coming from the blob burns a small spot on the desk in the hospital) and that it can dissolve bullets, but despite this obvious acidic state, the blob doesn't dissolve plants, walls, glass, concrete, metal, nor sticks and twigs.

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Suggested correction: It can control its functions otherwise it wouldn't be able to exist.

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The House of the Dead picture

Other mistake: When they are all on the beach and Simon kicks the zombie, which flips over and spits in his face. It hits his whole face, and some of his chest, yet later in the movie he has just one cheek effected by the "acid".


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Zombi 2 picture

Other mistake: In the last shot of the film, the zombies are walking across the bridge to New York City. Below, there are cars on both sides of the bridge driving to and from the island with absolutely no concern for the chaos that is supposedly taking place. I guess the filmmakers couldn't stop traffic for a few minutes to get the shot?

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Horror of Dracula picture

Other mistake: After Van Helsing realises Dracula's coffin is in the cellar of Michael Gough's house, he hears a scream and runs to find the housekeeper Gerda overwrought and hysterical. He needs to find out where Dracula has just gone, and so he gives her a slap. It's hilarious how loud the sound of this is.

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Mama picture

Other mistake: Everytime it shows a window it is morning, even if the scene is supposed to be at night.

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Dracula A.D. 1972 picture

Other mistake: Near the end, as Van Helsing parts the wooden fence and enters St Botulph's churchyard, the camera tilts up and catches two builders on top of a construction sight watching the filming.

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Stay Alive picture

Other mistake: When the main guy and the blond-haired woman investigate the house of the guy who got hanged in the very first scene, October goes outside to smoke. She is seen in a construction site. Later, when they go to find October, we discover that the site is way down the street. I don't know why she decided to stray so far from the house to the site.

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Wolf Creek picture

Other mistake: When Ben lies wounded in the open, we are treated to a solar eclipse followed by a full moon. These events must be 2 weeks apart. Long enough for Ben to have grown a beard (which doesn't happen), but too long for him to survive without water.

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Hellraiser: Deader picture

Other mistake: When Amy first goes into Marla's apartment, she sees that the food in the kitchen is spoiled; there is a few weeks worth of mould on the scattered dishes and the food on the plates by the sink is especially bad. Yet on one plate by the sink, there is a piece of bread still perfectly white and free of decay, though it is surrounded by other mouldy scraps. The shot is only visible for a moment.

More Hellraiser: Deader other mistakes
Cherry Falls picture

Other mistake: How did the murderer manage to remove the robe, put the wig on perfectly, and still be only a few seconds behind Jody and Kenny despite the fact that Jody and Kenny got at least a 5 minute start?

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Doom picture

Other mistake: The chaingun was actually a heavily dressed up Browning Browning Model 1919 machine gun with a fake rotating barrel cluster surrounding the real firing barrel - in several firing scenes a careful eye will notice the barrels are not even rotating.

Nick Bylsma

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Dawn of the Dead picture

Other mistake: Near the beginning, Ana speeds away from her home down winding streets in the suburbs. In an aerial views of the houses, look closely at the row of homes at the bottom of the screen. None of the homes are shown with driveways or sidewalks. Essentially, there is no way getting to these homes. This is revealed in the commentary by the director who realized the mistake, but didn't care.

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The Mothman Prophecies picture

Other mistake: John explains to his friend Ed that, within the last two weeks since the accident, Mary has undergone brain surgery to remove the tumor in her right temporal lobe and that she is undergoing chemotherapy. This surgery alone would necessitate shaving at least half of Mary's head, and the chemotherapy would prevent her hair from growing out again for months. But, in the immediate next scene, we see John at Mary's side as she recovers in the hospital, and her red hair with natural hairline is as full and lush as in the beginning of the film.

Charles Austin Miller

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Open Water picture

Other mistake: There are 20 divers counted onto the boat. They all head into the water in 2s, but somehow there is 1 person left without a diving buddy.

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I Still Know What You Did Last Summer picture

Other mistake: When Karla and Ty are in the jacuzzi, the "Bob Marley" guy shows up and says they can't be there because it's after midnight. At the same time, the fisherman is killing the hotel's maid who is knocking on doors to clean the rooms. Why in the world does the cleaning lady do the housekeeping after midnight?

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