Audio problem: When the Christian army is defeated after chasing Saladin across the desert, many vultures are flying over the battlefield. However, the sound is that of a flock of whooping cranes.

Audio problem: In the scene where Mary is leaving court and you see Henry riding a horse with Anne on the back, you can hear a siren go off twice. (01:05:30 - 01:06:10)

Audio problem: In the Bastille dungeon just after Phillippe knocked out the guard with the key we hear Athos say 'We feared the mask would destroy you', but his lips do not move in sync with this. It looks more like he originally said 'We thought you were dead'. (01:44:54)

Audio problem: During the wild boar hunt, they are interrupted by Aleander who says, "Prince Frederick of Saxony. He refuses to surrender Luther to you, Your Holiness," but nothing matches his lip movements. He utters a couple of syllables, at most, out of sync with the two full sentences heard in the movie. (English DVD version). (01:03:15)

Audio problem: After the Trojans start to fire arrows at the ship, the second Myrmidon who falls overboard into the water, screams loudly as he falls, though his mouth is clenched shut. It is the type of yell that cannot be made with a closed mouth. (00:40:00)

Audio problem: When the Woads attack in the beginning of the movie, after the knights have pretty much won the day, Bors hold up his fist knives, sticks out his tounge, and yells a sort-of war victory yell which sounds rather comedic. At the end of the movie when the knights and their horses charge into the Saxons out of the fog, you can hear Bors' exact same yell once again.

Audio problem: When Baldwin writes to John Quincy Adams begging for help, Adams crumples up the letter and drops it to the floor. As it comes to rest, you can see the word "threatened" written above the words "need you". But in the voice-over reading the letter out loud, the word "threatened" is never spoken.

Audio problem: Ness grabs a man who's trying to blackmail him and throws him out of the office. When he does, his voice changes abruptly, much cleaner, obviously overdubbed, and the sentence "You tell Capone that I'll see him in hell" is heard but Ness doesn't mouth it.

Audio problem: At the end of the scene when Anna's wedding ring is thrown in the stream, The Kralahome, Prime Minister, says to King Mongkut "I believe there has been enough insult caused by this woman who believes herself to be the equal of a man." When King Mongkut replies, "Not the equal of a man, the equal of a King," Kralahome is very visibly mouthing his line.

Audio problem: When the Mexicans begin their final attack, we see Travis call to Joe to wake him up, but if you watch closely, you don't see his lips move, you just hear "Joe."

Audio problem: In the scene where Matthew Broderick is addressing the potential members of the 54th on horseback (right after he accepts the position), the army band is playing, but the visuals don't match the music. While we hear drumrolls, we only see single hits on the snare drums by the actors. And at least one drummer is playing in mid-air.

Audio problem: In the scene where Sharon Stone is talking to Joe Pesci about how De Niro had his guys beat up James Woods, at one point Sharon Stone says, "Oh C'mon." If you look closely her mouth doesn't move at all. Also if you listen closely, that line comes out on surround sound. When she continues her line it comes out on mono. It was obviously recorded.

Audio problem: During the thunderstorm at the end, the thunder comes every couple of seconds, it doesn't correspond to the lightning at all, and it sounds exactly the same every time.

Audio problem: In the long shot of the scene where Harold Abrahams is sitting in the stands after losing to Liddell a groundsman is lifting the seats. The clattering sound from this is out of synch with his movements.

Audio problem: During the song "Judas' Death", Caiaphas sings the line "What you have done will be the saving of everyone", but his mouth is saying " the saving of Israel", the song's original lyric. (01:24:00)

Audio problem: When auditing the recording of one of the first hijacks, the FAA reviewer rotates the tape reels back and forth in order to find just the exact words from the hijacker. As the sounds play, the reel moves barely half a turn, but the reviewer rewinds it more than one revolution, not nearly returning to where that sound would be.

Audio problem: When Rene Gagnon is playing the guitar on the ship his hand movements do not match the guitar that is playing.

Audio problem: In the very final scene where the Scottish pipe band is playing the tune "Amazing Grace", it is apparent that the music is overdubbed and professional musicians were not used for the visuals. When the pipers are slow-marching, the marching is shoddy with different people stepping at different times ("experts" would be very precise). As the camera pulls back past the drummers, it is clear that some of them are beating their drums at a very different time to the sound track.

Audio problem: The voice of the German soldier, who corners the French Resistance woman at the railroad track near Caen, sounds completely different when he attempts to stop the train.

Audio problem: When the head of the Nazi forced labor camp is on his balcony shooting workers that aren't working, he fires two shots, kills two workers then reloads for a third shot but doesn't shoot. When he goes back inside, he ejects the live round he chambered onto his girlfriend, but when the round hits the floor, it clanks like an empty shell.