Audio problem: During the scene with the "flying" letters Harry gets one letter and tries to go in his "room", but Uncle Vernon grabs him. When Harry yells "They're my letters," not only his mouth doesn't move but his voice sounds much deeper than in the rest of the movie (it sounds more like his voice in Chamber of Secrets). This indicates that this line was overdubbed long after the main filming, when Daniel Radcliffe's voice has already begun to change. (00:11:55)

Audio problem: At the cemetery, as Harry lies on the ground, when Voldemort leans over him and says, "If they speak of you they'll speak only of how you begged for death," in the shot facing Harry, before Voldemort continues to speak, his mouth still moves, though nothing is heard. (01:27:25)

Audio problem: Hermione takes her wand out in the shot facing her, Harry and Ron, and Hermione's mouth begins to shout the "I" in "Immobulus!" though no sound is heard. It is in the next close-up that she dramatically shouts out the entire word, "Immobulus!" (00:37:40)

Audio problem: When Aunt Marge asks Vernon for "a bit more" brandy the second time, her mouth doesn't move. (00:02:45)

Audio problem: When Ron and Harry are walking down the corridor towards Potions class, Ron says, "...Quidditch trials coming up, I need to practice," but his mouth is not moving and/or not in sync with that dialogue.

Audio problem: When Luna and Harry converse, as she posts signs for her 'lost' belongings, in the overhead shot of her dangling sneakers she says, "If not always in the way we expect," but her lips are not moving. (02:01:45)

Audio problem: When Newt, Tina, Queenie and Jacob are peeking at Dougal at the department store, Newt says to Jacob and Queenie, "You two, head that way." His lips don't move at all. (01:25:35)