Visible crew/equipment: When Superman is landing to stop the plough machine, the wires holding him are visible.
Continuity mistake: Right before battle, Nasuada is showing Eragon Saphira's dragon armor. The helmet is full face, with two little slits for eyes. When it shows Saphira wearing it, the helmet covers only the top part of her head and cuts off above her eyes. (01:20:35 - 01:22:30)
Continuity mistake: When Mathayus is stabbed with the poison arrow, it goes into the side of his right thigh, but when he removes his bandage after Cassandra has healed him, he checks the front of his left thigh just above his kneecap for the injury. (00:45:05 - 00:48:05)
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Roger and Hoskins are moments away from crashing into a bridge in the cab quickly look at the road there is no gate in between the roads. But when they jump onto the bridge they crash right into a gate. (00:57:15)
Continuity mistake: Remy is reunited with his father in Paris. They are in a conversation at a little table. Remy's 'cup' moves closer to the edge of the table, towards our left, in several shots.
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Superman is trying to prevent the plane from crashing he is holding the nose of the plane and bits of it start to crumble in and fall apart or away. Once the plane is safely on the ground within the ballpark the scene shows the plane from the side where there is no damage to the nose. (00:40:15)
Continuity mistake: When Cheryl is running through the woods, she is wearing slippers that stay on up until she reaches the cabin door. However, in following shots, she is shown barefoot, and when Ash opens the door her foot is dirty as if she'd been running barefoot the whole time. (00:28:05 - 00:29:10)
Continuity mistake: At the dinner scene at Bilbo's house, just before Bofur throws the egg at Bombur's mouth, Fili is seen sitting next to Bombur. Yet as Bombur catches the egg, Ori is now sitting where Fili was sitting.
Continuity mistake: When Julia is trying to figure a way out the cell, she starting feeling around the edges of the glass panels etc., and she then comes to the end and stands by the green bench which is at the side of the cell. Julia's black heels sit on the bench, but then when Julia notices the pipe and climbs up to attempt to pull it, in the overhead shot her black heels have vanished from the bench. (01:08:40)
Continuity mistake: When Lyra is walking through the palace to meet King Ragnar of the Ice Bears, there are a great many bears all around her, with a few following her right up to the king. She gets to the king, and when the shot pans out to the hall, suddenly all the other bears are gone. Even if they all left the hall, it would take more than a second or two to do so.
Continuity mistake: First day in class, when Hoager "beeps" at Jesse, Mrs. Myers writes two words. The word "verb" is over the word "subject" on the board, in the close-up. After she turns around, in the following shots, the word "predicate" appears, disappears, then reappears and "subject" is written over "verb" now. Additionally, during this scene, all the other writing on the blackboard changes between shots as well. (00:06:15)
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Pacha and Kuzco are drying off after they fall over the waterfall, the slot for the wearer's head in the center of Pacha's poncho is clearly visible when Kuzco takes it and uses it to dry himself off. Following the shot change between when Kuzco throws it and when it lands on the fire Pacha is trying to light, the poncho becomes just a solid green square towel with no hole for the wearer to put his head through, which is easy to see when Pacha hangs it backup on another tree. (00:32:07)
Other mistake: When Eomer is mounting his horse after giving Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli the two horses, you can see his sword falling out of its sheath. (00:35:00)
Revealing mistake: When Anakin is talking to Palpatine, the shot pans to the door, and it is obvious that the door and the furniture are painted. (00:26:15)
Continuity mistake: When Sharkboy and Lavagirl burst into the classroom looking for Max, there is writing on the blackboard ("Science, Chapter Two") written in yellow chalk. Strangely, later in the scene the writing is now written in white chalk, and the handwriting of the text is noticeably different. Then, later it goes back to yellow! (00:16:45 - 00:17:40)
Continuity mistake: When Kristen meets the little girl drawing the chalk house, between the two shots before it starts raining, the chalk drawing changes. (00:02:35)
Continuity mistake: When Chihiro talks to Kamaji about taking the train to see Zeniba, she says "Yep, I'll walk back along the tracks," and turns around, and the little mouse and bird are sitting on her left shoulder. It then cuts to a wideshot of Chihro walking over to Haku, but now the mouse and little bird have vanished from her shoulder. (01:27:15)
Revealing mistake: In the first scene of the film, Evan is writing frantically in a journal and his last words that the camera zooms in on are "Save her". Look closely and you can see that those same words are already indented on the page as indicated by a visible letter "s" and "h" and a period that had already been written on the pad of paper. Obviously they had done some other takes. (00:01:35)
Continuity mistake: When Puss in Boots plants his sword in the ground then jumps out of his boots, his sword, boots and hat are nowhere near any trees or grass. Yet after attacking Shrek, Puss in Boots lands in his boots, and his boots, sword and hat have moved to being right beside a tree. (00:32:30)
Continuity mistake: After Melanie has been bandaged up after her attack, she sits up on the sofa, and you can see two large bloody scratches on her cheek. These scratches disappear when Mitch and Lydia walk Melanie outside to the car. (01:51:25)