Best fantasy movie deliberate mistakes of all time

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Toy Story 2 picture

Deliberate mistake: Even though Hamm is flicking through the channels at the same speed, the side with Al's advert on it is visible for longer.

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine picture

Deliberate mistake: After Wolverine arrives at 3 Mile Island he approaches through a thick fog. Above him are a series of conveyor belts that are used at a coal power plant, not a nuclear plant such as 3 Mile Island. The belts are unique to coal mines and coal power plants, and would not be found at a nuclear power plant. The filmmakers obviously couldn't film on the site of a nuclear plant, so filmed on a coal plant to fill in.


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Last Action Hero picture

Deliberate mistake: Just before Danny enters the action movie, Jack Slater (Arnold) arrives at his 2nd cousin's house. Jack exits his car and jams his desert eagle pistol into his waistband. He then approaches the front door where he turns toward the camera to kick in the door. You can clearly see there is no gun in his waistband now. In the next shot he draws the gun from his waist. (00:22:50)

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Gremlins picture

Deliberate mistake: During the scene with the malfunctioning juice maker, when it goes nuts there is no possible way that all that juice and pulp could have come from just one orange. (00:22:45)

troy fox

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Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi picture

Deliberate mistake: The shots of the prisoner skiff during the transport to the Sarlacc Pit are reversed. This can, for example, be seen as Chewie's bandolier is on the wrong side, and that Han's shirt is overlaying the wrong way.

More Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi deliberate mistakes
Final Destination picture

Deliberate mistake: When Alex is in the cabin opening the can the pull tab is already lifted up making it easier to open because he is wearing gloves. It was already up when he took the wrapper off.

More Final Destination deliberate mistakes
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation picture

Deliberate mistake: When Sonya finishes Mileena, Mileena's shoulders are muddy and she is face down, but when we have a close up of the dragon tattoo the right shoulder is cleaned off and what mud is left is dry. (00:42:25)

More Mortal Kombat: Annihilation deliberate mistakes
Zathura picture

Deliberate mistake: The turn count for Lisa's stay in the Cryogenic Sleep Chamber is off. The card reads she should be there for 5 turns. 'Turn' can either represent a single move made by either Danny or Walter, or a complete game cycle where both Danny and Walter have made a move. If we count the turns by player, it comes to 8 and she's awake 2 turns too late as it should have happened at the start of 6th. If we count both players' moves together as a start of a turn, then she's awake 2 turns too early as its turn 4 and not turn 6. It seems obvious from showing us the shower suddenly start up that this is the correct point in the film they wanted her awake, so it's unlikely she was actually awake off-camera during the Astronaut's arrival and we just didn't see.

More Zathura deliberate mistakes
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind picture

Deliberate mistake: In the end sequence, when the joyous Valley of the Wind people run past Yuppa and the old woman to welcome back Nausicaä among the living, the same group(s) of people are seen twice running from the right to the left.

More Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind deliberate mistakes
Help! picture

Deliberate mistake: When Ringo sprays his assassin with orange juice, it doesn't reach as far as the sofa. But it still splashes over the inch-high Paul. Even if it had flown that far, Paul is on the far side of the sofa and the angle is impossible.


More Help! deliberate mistakes
Highlander picture

Deliberate mistake: There's a bizarre editing gaff in the opening fight of the Director's Cut. At one point, Fasil's sword vanishes (for no real reason) and he starts to do backflips. The scene then cuts away, and when it cuts back, he's suddenly running and has his sword again. A few shots later, he's suddenly doing backflips and has lost his sword again. (It's meant to be Fasil doing the flips.) The editing makes absolutely no sense. It's like they somehow mixed up two different scenes during editing.


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Rosemary's Baby picture

Deliberate mistake: As Rosemary is prepared to be raped by the devil she is lying on white sheets. In the next shot as she is being raped she's on black satin sheets. (00:47:30)


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Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms picture

Deliberate mistake: When Hellboy is attacked by the spider-lady, as the spiders begin to descend on him to steal the sword, you can easily tell that some of the shots of the spiders coming down are repeated 2 or even 3 times, and simply flopped horizontally to appear different.

More Hellboy Animated: Sword of Storms deliberate mistakes
The Medallion picture

Deliberate mistake: When Jackie tries to avoid the Jamaican guy he jumps up to a higher deck. As we see him duck out of sight it takes him about 1 second to get to the other side and jump down there. However it's at least 40 feet to get to the other side. Jackie is usually fast but not that fast. (00:34:30)


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The Sword in the Stone picture

Deliberate mistake: When Arthur is drawing letters of the alphabet, he only draws the outside of the letter A, not the horizontal stroke in the middle, yet it appears on the blackboard.

More The Sword in the Stone deliberate mistakes
Army of Darkness picture

Deliberate mistake: Ash's car breaks out into the courtyard and the whirling, windmill thing batters the Deadites aside. We see the carnage a couple of times filmed from different angles, one Deadite, planted, legs apart, gets battered twice and the guys who come in from the left and are quickly jerked off screen are shown again seconds later.

Phillip Churchfield

More Army of Darkness deliberate mistakes
Cinderella picture

Deliberate mistake: In the famous sequence where the pumpkin turns into a carriage, the fairy godmother stands behind it waving her wand and doing the magic. First mistake: After the transformation, the fairy godmother is stuck in freeze frame with her hands up in the air for the entire time when Cinderella is saying how lovely the carriage is. Another mistake occurs when it cuts to the fairy godmother (after the freeze frame), because her arms are suddenly down and she is moving and talking to Cinderella.

Movie_Freak 1

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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End picture

Deliberate mistake: Below deck aboard the Pearl, when Will says, "You make your choices in life…," and later, when Elizabeth and Will are on the beach, Elizabeth's eye makeup and curled up lashes are very apparent in her close-ups.

Super Grover

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The Mummy picture

Deliberate mistake: The shot of Ardeth and his companions watching Rick leave Hamunuptra at the start of the film is reused again when Rick, Evie, Jonathan and the Warden re-enter Hamunuptra, although the reused shot has a blue filter over it. Ardeth even says exactly the same line he says in the original shot, but it is subtitled differently.


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The Haunted Mansion picture

Deliberate mistake: When Leota is in the front seat of the automobile, the air bag is still full. Air bags will deploy and then immediately deflate to prevent people (or women in crystal balls) from being trapped. (01:10:45)

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