Deliberate mistake: The Fremen wear "stillsuits" to conserve their water, yet leave their heads completely uncovered. This would result in quite a bit of water loss through perspiration. (In the book, they wore hoods, masks and nose filters, leaving only the eyes uncovered, but it wouldn't work in a movie to have all the actor's faces obscured!).

Deliberate mistake: As Nancy and her Mum are leaving Rod's funeral, you can see the shot of them leaving the funeral has been sped up. Watch the Volvo "jerk" as it pulls away as the speed is rapidly increased.

Deliberate mistake: During the scene with the malfunctioning juice maker, when it goes nuts there is no possible way that all that juice and pulp could have come from just one orange. (00:22:45)

Deliberate mistake: In the end sequence, when the joyous Valley of the Wind people run past Yuppa and the old woman to welcome back Nausicaä among the living, the same group(s) of people are seen twice running from the right to the left.

Deliberate mistake: As David runs from the MPs in the restaurant, he jumps off the balcony onto the bar below. It is very obvious that it's the stunt double for Michael Pare doing the jump. (00:45:35)

Deliberate mistake: When Supergirl flies out of the lake upon her arrival to Earth she's wet. When she lands on the shore she's suddenly dry.
Suggested correction: Incorrect. She's not wet when she comes out of the water. She emerges from the water dry in an (incredibly wonky) effects shot. Why she's dry coming out of the water is unclear, but it presumably has something to do with the teleportation process for how she got to Earth considering her costume also suddenly appears on her as well.