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Continuity mistake: When Vernon is looking in the basement files and Carl walks in, the card in the drawer label holder is tilted and it stays this way for a few shots. When Vernon claims it's a highly sensitive area, the card is now straight, but in the shot after that it is tilted again.

More The Breakfast Club mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: There is a scene in which it is raining quite heavily and Em and Richard are inside the hutch. Richard is playing Pop Goes The Weasel over and over which annoys Em. She stabs him in the foot and he chases her outside. In this scene she is wearing a strapless dress but when he catches her and pins her down on the sand she is wearing a lacey jacket (she didn't have time to change) and there are no clouds or rain. The sand doesn't seem to be very wet either, despite the fact that it was raining heavily a few minutes ago. (00:41:10)

More The Blue Lagoon mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Jeanie is telling Richie the order, she alternately holds the pad, or it is down on the table. The pencil in her hands disappears in one shot too. (00:07:15)


More Flashdance mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Paul Kersey boards a bus where the line number reads 990. When he gets off, the number is 99. He could not have changed buses because the number of the bus itself remains 8027 throughout. (00:54:50)

More Death Wish II mistake pictures
More Camelot mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Jack and Carl are in Carl's stateroom. Carl opens the crate of whiskey, takes out a bottle and puts it down. The bottle then turns itself around so the label's sometimes visible, sometimes not.

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Continuity mistake: When Lawrence first wakes up in the hospital when Janet walks in, the guard rail on his bed is down. It's up in the next shot. Then it's back down when Janet leaves.


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More The Day the Earth Stood Still mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Lee is burning her leg with the hot kettle in her bedroom, the way in which the pink towel is wrapped around her head completely changes between shots. (00:08:10)


More Secretary mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When the fat sailor gets on the bus, Dougherty is adjusting his hat with his left hand. In the very next shot he has his right hand on his hat. (00:11:45)

Mister Ed

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Continuity mistake: When Valmont is waving the letter behind his back, in the closeup the address is facing upwards, but in the wider shot we can see the wax seal is now visible.

Jon Sandys

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Other mistake: After there has been the vote for chief, behind one boy you can see a piece of wood reading "Anthony M," a marker for showing where the actor (Anthony McCall-Judson) should sit. (00:13:25)


More Lord of the Flies mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, when Neville is behind the glass and he is thinking and all the sound goes away, you can see the bite mark that the zombie gave him. While the shot is changing between him and the zombie, you can see the bite mark change sides of his shirt.

luke skyjogger

More I Am Legend mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Algren teaches a soldier to shoot, the soldier has a chin strap below his lip. Yet, in the next shot there is no strap. (00:19:35)

More The Last Samurai mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Michael Douglas' wife stabs the kidnapper in the chest during their fight in the apartment, she stabs him with the knitting needle in his right lung. The next shot shows them lying on the floor with the needle stabbed directly into his heart on the left side of his chest.

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Continuity mistake: When the Secretary of Defense receives the letter that the escape pod is empty, look to the character to the right of Glenn Close. There is another character behind him, and when the character by Glenn Close moves, the one behind him disappears. (00:38:30)

More Air Force One mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When SFC William James goes through the plastic sheeting to see a dead body on the table, you can see an ungloved, crew member's hand open the entrance for him. (01:20:40)


More The Hurt Locker mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the film (and at the end, when they show the same scene) the moment before Rocket is about to pick up the chicken, he is only a few inches away from it. The next shot that shows Rocket from behind, the chicken is much further away from him. (00:03:40)


More City of God mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Amsterdam arrives in New York City and is talking to his new friend, the bag he is holding switches from being held under his arm (camera shot from front) to being carried on his back (camera shot from the back). This happens at least four times in a row during the same scene. (00:22:55)

More Gangs of New York mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Lewis is on the phone with Congressman Jarrett, the phone Lewis is holding jumps back and forth from his left hand in the wide shots to his right hand in the close-ups. (01:27:15)

Cubs Fan

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