Visible crew/equipment: During Batman's interrogation of the Joker, when he picks him up and slams him against the wall, for a very brief moment you can see the camera and the cameraman in the reflection of the mirror on the right. (01:29:10)
Visible crew/equipment: When Émilien is chasing after the Ninjas on foot, they jump from a bridge onto the top of an orange lorry. The orange crash mats that the 'Ninjas' land on are visible in the overhead shots. (00:47:35)
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Harry and Marv are at the skating rink, the front of Marv's hair is constantly changing from shot to shot. It's either poofy or pulled back due to the earmuffs he's wearing.
Continuity mistake: As the FBI and Richard Gere rush to the hospital to save the First Lady they are flying in a helicopter. You see a shot of the helicopter flying over buildings then it cuts to dialogue inside then back to the landscape shot. However in the first shot the helicopter carries the number "28" on the side. When it cuts back after the dialogue it has "29" on the side of it. (01:36:35 - 01:40:00)
Continuity mistake: When Peter is just getting to the science lab at the beginning right after his friend gets out of his fancy car, if you look at the extras walking behind the two, you will see a bright red haired girl walking by, going towards the building, but when the camera focuses on Peter the girl is there again, walking the opposite way on the other side of the huge sidewalk. You see her about 5 times going back and forth to the building. The first few times she's alone, then she's walking with another girl. (00:05:55)
Continuity mistake: When Adam pounds on Zep with the toilet seat, he grabs his shoulder in pain. In the first shot of him holding his shoulder, his hand is soaked in blood. In the second shot, however, his hand is much cleaner. (01:30:25)
Continuity mistake: When Snake kills the wrestler he falls forward shoulders forward, next minute his arms are over the ropes, next minute his arms are in a different position again - quite active for a dead man. (01:16:55 - 01:18:10)
Continuity mistake: After the Bandit jumps the bridge Sheriff Justice rear-ends the cop car in front of him, smashing the hood of his car. In the next scene Sheriff Justice's hood is fine.
Visible crew/equipment: When the guy on the roof stands and takes aim at the window in preparation for Brian, the film crew are reflected in a window behind him. (00:13:00)
Other mistake: At the end, when Peter saves Mary Jane from the collapsing structure, he jumps up in the air and swings her to safety. However if you look at the web he is holding onto it is hanging down vertically. What did he attach the web to that was directly above him, the sky? Every bit of the structure around him was/had collapsed and the only thing remotely close to swing from was the cranes. Yet we see that was quite a distance away, so Peter would have had to shoot the web away from himself not above him. (01:47:50)
Continuity mistake: When they bring Marvin Nash to be tortured, his hands are cuffed behind his back. They start kicking him and his hands are then seen cuffed in front. Then, they switch back just a few moments later and his hands are back behind his back again.
Visible crew/equipment: Towards the end of the film you see the long haired baddie grab Milo by the hind legs (just before Milo puts the mask on). As Milo starts to change you can just about see the baddie who is holding his legs, except he is now a different person with brown curly hair, nobody who is seen prior or following this shot. Presumably he is the dog trainer. (01:23:15)
Continuity mistake: When the guys visit Kenny in prison, they put their fists on the glass, the angle of their fists changes between shots. Most notably Scarface (on the right).
Revealing mistake: When the computer is being hacked and the password and/or code for the database is shown on the screen, most of the display is for an Autodesk printer driver. (01:39:00)
Continuity mistake: When everyone is searching upstairs and Miss Scarlet and Colonel Mustard start screaming, they all come running down. Yvette and Miss Scarlet have on flat black shoes, but right after the running shot is over, both are back in heels.
Revealing mistake: During the bedroom scene with Felicity and Fat Bastard you can clearly see the air hose that fills his suit when he rolls over in the bed. (00:49:10)
Factual error: When we see the burning 'DD' in Joe Pantoliano's glasses it is not a reflection. The DD should be backwards in his glasses. (00:26:55)
Continuity mistake: When Henry has just shown De Niro the guns and he returns to his car, you see him light up a cigarette. When the shot changes the cigarette has vanished. (01:54:45)
Continuity mistake: When John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson are fired at in the apartment, the bullet holes are already in the wall before the gun is fired.
Continuity mistake: During the scene where the police first go to arrest Howard and John is deciding which door is the right one his plastic face plate is down and in the next shot it is clearly up. (00:10:55)