Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the film, Bond is on a training exercise to free a trapped hostage. Since it is only a training exercise, everyone involved is using blanks in their weapons. Why is it that when Bond fires an automatic rifle, we hear multiple bullets ricocheting? (00:03:25)

Revealing mistake: When Lupe Lamore puts Sanchez's iguana down on the table near the end of the movie, you can see the iguana bounce slightly. Also, it isn't breathing.

Revealing mistake: During the laser battle inside the space station, one of the villains on one of the upper circular tiers makes a move as though to signify he was hit with a laser a second or two before the laser actually hits him.

Revealing mistake: At the end of the movie after Necros falls from the plane the camera cuts back to Bond, as he tries to struggle his way out of the nest. If you look closely under the nest you can see Necros at the start of his fall again. Also notice Necros is replaced by a dummy.

Revealing mistake: The Union Flag pinned to the back of the taxi driver's jacket is upside down. Since he is part of the government (he's undercover for the Foreign Office) he shouldn't make such an terrible mistake. (01:20:40)