Best Bond movie mistake pictures of all time

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Continuity mistake: In the scene where Stromberg is thanking Dr. Bechman and Professor Marcovitz, he has a towel in his hand. When the camera changes to another angle that shows the back of his chair, his hands are totally empty and resting on an arm of the chair. Then it changes back to the original camera angle, and he now has a towel in his hands again.

More The Spy Who Loved Me mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Bond takes off in the plane, we see - in one shot from Bond's view - the Cubans approaching. The background is a flat (English) countryside. In the next clip, we see a close-up of one of the Cubans. behind him are quite large hills/mountains. (00:04:55)

Jacob La Cour

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Continuity mistake: When James Bond is fighting underwater with an opponent, the opponent rips off James' diving mask (which is blue). Then, James rips another mask off another opponent who is lying dead on the ocean floor. This dead opponent's mask is black. James puts on the black mask, and then he turns around, and the mask is blue again. (01:57:10)

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Continuity mistake: When Melina's car is hit by the machine gun, we see a close-up of the back end of the car, including the 2CV6 sign. Later in the car chase there suddenly is a Spanish national sticker (E) to the left of the 2CV6 sign. The bullet holes are different as well.

Jacob La Cour

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Continuity mistake: While Sir James and Hadley are standing beside the map, Bond asks about his namesake. When Hadley provides an update, in the shot facing Hadley he's holding up the mini flag with his left hand, but in the next shot facing Bond the mini flag is being held up in Hadley's right hand. (00:38:35)

Super Grover

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