Other mistake: During the final Ice Palace action sequence, as Bond is getting into his Aston Martin just prior to his 'automotive duel', he crouches beside the invisible car in order to minimise himself as a target as he tries to locate the handle to open the door. The explanation given by "Q" was that tiny cameras on each side project what's on the other side. Despite crouching behind his car, he would still have been visible on the other side. (01:33:00)

Other mistake: In the plane, when Bond fights Goldfinger, one of the henchmen is partially visible behind Goldfinger when he appears from behind the curtain. When the fight starts, the henchman's arm is also visible. When the fight is over and just before Bond moves to the cockpit, the henchman is lying on the floor with no explanation for why he was not sucked from the plane like Goldfinger.

Other mistake: On the prison computer scan of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Blofeld's date of birth is shown as 4th July 1946, but he is only meant to be a few years older than James Bond, as seen in the photo of them together as teenagers in the film Spectre. That photo is meant to be circa 1985, and the newspaper clipping (also shown in Spectre) about Franz Oberhauser's (aka Blofeld) death in the avalanche happened when he was 16 years old. If he was 16 in 1985, then he should have been born in 1969, not 1946.

Other mistake: When James Bond's friend Kerim Bey gets shot at the gypsy camp, look closely: he is rubbing fake blood into his own arm. (00:43:10)

Other mistake: When the goons car is carried off to sea by the helicopter, Bond can watch the helicopter on the screen in Aki's car. But where is that camera mounted? On a camera plane?

Other mistake: During the mine scene, we see Stacy Sutton in very tight miner's overalls. Then, Mayday rips them off to reveal the white dress she was wearing beforehand. There was not enough room in those tight overalls to hike up or bunch the skirt in any way for her to move her legs or have both legs in both pant legs. (01:47:05)

Other mistake: During the sequence where Bond flees the baddies during the carnival, it becomes clear that the locals made their own outfits. For a few seconds, we see a group with headpieces that read "007" - so much for "secret" agent. To add a bit of humour to the moment, a dog can be seen urinating against the passing parade.

Other mistake: When Bond and Dr. Swann make out on the train, there are lights "flashing" in the room as if the train is passing streetlights. But they are travelling in the desert with no external lighting.

Other mistake: After the decontamination chamber scene, Bond and Honey drink a cup of coffee. Honey very quickly passes out due to the tea being laced with some type of sleep inducing drug. However, as Bond throws his cup in anger, Honey flinches very hard. Surprising considering how quickly she passed out after drinking the coffee. (01:20:15)

Other mistake: While Bond is being escorted by some guards, he opens a crate full of gas tanks, and begins fighting the guards off. If you look behind Bond in a brief scene you can see a few yards away another guard who is clearly watching this happening yet doing absolutely nothing.

Other mistake: During the chase with the fuel truck at the Miami airport, Bond depresses the brakes, which apparently aren't working, and the truck rolls on. Two problems: first, after almost hitting the plane and sliding sideways, the brakes skid to a halt and you can hear air discharging from the brake system. Which brings up the second problem: since the truck is air brake equipped, there is no way it would have continued rolling if the brakes were malfunctioning. Part of the air brake system on all trucks since 1974, have a safety feature which "dynamite" the brakes if there is no air pressure in the system. This locks up the brakes with the spring brake system, making the truck stop. The truck was newer than 1974, meaning it would have had the CVSS safety braking system from the manufacturer, and would have skidded to a stop if there was no air in the system.

Other mistake: In the scene when the helicopters arrive over the research center, look at the heli in the bottom right - it just fades out, while one on the left materialises, and the one in the middle changes position. Notice that after all the helicopters have changed place, you can see the helicopter that faded out appear on the helipad. (02:25:25)

Other mistake: When the man at the start is thrown through the room and his head hits the wall, the picture briefly freezes.

Other mistake: When Bond drives into the train tunnel, below the train cart with the jewelry, we see that welding is going on in the other train cart. But that is before the bomb is placed in the hole below the cannon. There is no sign of weldings, and no sign of welding equipment once we get inside that cart.

Other mistake: In the opening scene where Moneypenny is holding the rifle, you can see the flash suppressor was installed upside down. The 'slots' are on the bottom. (00:10:35)

Other mistake: When James is on the top of the jeep, there is a brief shot of it from behind as they go past an armed soldier. Watch carefully, the jeep goes over a few bumps and Bond on top seems to jump all over the place in a very unnatural way. This is because the footage has been sped up to make the Jeep appear to be going faster.

Other mistake: At the end when Bond returns to the bedroom after the glass bottle fight with Nik Nak he says "hope you got all the glass out of the bed" but he just walked across the room in bare feet without a care in the world, which was completely covered in broken glass. Goodnight didn't have enough time to clean this up aswell in the time given.

Other mistake: When Bond gets his Rolex he explains that by pulling out this button it turns it into a hyper intensified magnet, but he actually turns the bezel to activate it. Also, Bond repeats Q's claim that it can deflect the path of a bullet. Lead bullets, even with copper jackets, are not affected by magnetism.

Other mistake: The security monitor in Valentin's office shows a cinematic wide shot of the casino with the camera moving. It seems unlikely that a CCTV camera would be mounted to a crane to perform elegant moves like this. (00:43:55)

Other mistake: When Bond is being chased on the bobsled track, just before he escapes the track.there is a shot of Eric Kriegler taking one last shot at him. In this shot however, Kriegler's bike appears to be in an open area and certainly not on a bobsled track. In fact it looks like a disused shot from when the chase started.