Other mistake: Early in the movie, Sir Gawain gets on his horse, in a full suit of armor, by himself. Later, he is hoisted onto his horse by what looks like an early design for a crane. Armor is heavy and Sir Gawain would have to be hoisted every time he wanted to ride with armor on.

Other mistake: When Clark and Lois are on their way to the diner, the wide shot of their car driving along looked very familiar. In fact, it was footage used in the first movie, where the car was used as part of Lex Luthor's "real-estate" plan and was run on remote control. If you look closely in part II, no one is driving the car yet you hear Clark say to Lois, "Hey, you seem pretty quiet over there...."

Other mistake: The text of the German news is wrong. It is titled "Fensterputzer halten an ihrem Lebemfest" (Window cleaners hold on for their lives). It should be "Leben fest". Also "Newsdirek" is wrong, it should be "Newsdirekt" or better "News direkt."

Other mistake: Just after Isabeau falls from the abbey tower and turns into Ladyhawke, a soldier emerges onto the roof of the tower and questions Phillipe. An arrow is then fired (by Navarre) into the left-side of the soldier. However, he initially grabs at his right-side. After a couple of seconds he correctly grabs at his left-side, before falling off the tower. (01:00:26)

Other mistake: When Helen turns right to "head to the stacks" everyone in the back of the van falls to the right. Centrifugal force would push them to the left. (01:56:06)

Other mistake: When Lamont walks into the alley to avoid being followed by one of Khan's warriors, he makes himself invisible, and his shadow vanishes as well. It's well noted at the beginning of the film that his shadow is always visible even if he isn't. Therefore, his shadow should still be seen on the ground and give him away.

Other mistake: When Gabe and the bad guy are fighting on the helicopter on the side of the cliff look carefully at the rotor shaft - you can clearly see that it has changed. Earlier when it was on the ground you see the shaft and the scissors on it. When it is upside down the scissors have vanished and the rotor shaft has a different look to it.

Other mistake: When the pennant game is being played, Chicken Little's team is down by two runs with a score of 14-13, but if you add the score up off of the board before Little's two run hit, it equals 15.

Other mistake: Captain Willard inquires from two soldiers manning a machine gun, "Who's the commanding officer here?" The two can't kill the enemies "out there by the wire" so they ask their friend "Roach" for some help. As "Roach" walks over he turns off a tape recorder playing some Jimmy Hendrix riffs. If you look closely at the buttons of the tape recorder, it was never on in the first place. (01:45:50)

Other mistake: Towards the beginning of the film, the teacher counts 19 students then says one is missing, implying there are 20 (including Mike) However, Mike ends up being paired with the teacher, despite there being an even number of students and therefore everyone should have a partner.

Other mistake: Near the end of the movie, an order is given to fire a cannon shot at the masts of the Pearl and the Dutchman as they have become entangled. We then see a mast being destroyed by the shot but when the ships separate, not one of them has a broken mast.

Other mistake: Robin yells "Holy Polaris" before the rocket even breaks the surface of the water.

Other mistake: When Loki and Bartleby are in the Mooby boardroom, Loki sits back to continue carving the voodoo doll and tells Bartleby, 'You may proceed, mon ami.' As Bartleby stands up you can see that Loki has cut the head off his 'voodoo doll.'

Other mistake: The scene where the British army is crossing the Buffalo River is in the historic place but they are crossing in the wrong direction.

Other mistake: After the funeral, the guys visit the clubhouse. They open the box for DB Cooper's treasure. The blood they used to sign their blood oath is too red to have been 20 year old blood. It should have darkened to deep, deep purple or brown by now. (00:12:40)

Other mistake: In the scene in the beginning when you first see the fifth element, and the camera moves up so you see the wide open mouth, look to the shoulder on the left. In the years of undisturbed dust, there are a few finger prints. (00:09:35)

Other mistake: When Vader first arrives at the station, he and the Commander are walking past rows of troops. If you look carefully, you will see a Stormtrooper in the back row with his helmet tipped so far forward it's almost off.

Other mistake: Emmett states that the Cullens "haven't hunted in weeks", meaning all of the vampires should have black eyes. However, all of the actors still have their golden contacts in. This is especially noticeable on the Blu-Ray.

Other mistake: Scott arrives in the park and sees hundreds of memorials listing people who were killed by Thanos. In the first close-up shot shown of one of the memorials, the name Norbert Lamey can be seen five rows from the top on the right hand side. The camera then pans to Scott walking in front of the memorial to the right of it. The name Norbert Lamey can be seen repeated on the opposite side of the memorial Scott stands in front of. (00:24:25)

Other mistake: People 'sleeping' in the hibernation pods are lying down under force of gravity, connected by their left hand fingers to sensors monitoring them, they're not strapped in or clamped down in any way. So when the gravity was lost for 5+ mins they would have lifted inside the pod, hit the top, probably disconnected from the left hand sensors, and maybe dropped back down awkwardly out of place for a future arm injection. Maybe even triggered an early wake-up procedure of the pod, as perfect equilibrium would be disrupted by getting no data from the sensors.