Other mistake: When the Huntress is attacking the safehouse, she fires a shotgun blast at Green Arrow who's several feet away, hitting a door behind him and leaving a small hole, as would be made by a slug, rather than pellets (which would have spread out a lot over that distance). She then shoots the door lock right next to her, which gets riddled with small pellet holes.
Arrow (2012)
1 other mistake in The Huntress Returns
Starring: Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Stephen Amell, Colin Donnell, Emily Bett Rickards
Darkness on the Edge of Town - S1-E22
Character mistake: At one point Felicity says, "There's at least a teraflop of data to go through." Felicity is a computer genius, so she should know that a teraflop is a measurement of processing power, not data storage. She should have said "terabyte."
Lone Gunmen - S1-E3
Oliver Queen: I'm having some trouble with my computer and they told me you were the person to come and see. I was at my coffeeshop surfing the web and I spilt a latte on it.
Felicity Smoak: Really?
Oliver Queen: Yeah.
Felicity Smoak: Because these look like bulletholes.
Oliver Queen: My coffeeshop is in a bad neighbourhood.
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