James: We are poor, and poor is one of three things people don't want to be. Right next to sick, and dead.
James: You know what I'm gonna leave the world when I go, Florida? A tombstone that reads "Here lies James Evans. Back in the hole again."
Penny: Is he here?
Michael: Is who here?
Penny: I don't know his name, but he's tall, skinny, and beautiful.
Michael: Hold on now. Tall, and skinny we've got, but beautiful?
Florida: Did you here yourself James, you said "ain't" 3 times in a row.
James: So.
Florida: "Ain't" is not a word.
James: OH yeah... its in the dictionary.
Florida: No "aint" ain't, but isn't is... look it up.
James: I cant.
Florida: Why?
James: "aint" got no dictionary.
Thelma: J.J where'd you get stamps to mail a letter?
JJ: I don't need no money for stamps! The last six letters I painted em on.
Michael: Daddy high blood pressure can cause kidney malfunction.
JJ: In this house a person can get kidney malfunction waiting for Thelma to get outta the bathroom.
Thelma: Mama might be in a TV commercial.
JJ: Hey! That'd be groovy, bein' the son of a famous movie star, I'd have my own Cadillac to drive down and get my food stamps.
Some White Guy: Somebody's getting mugged on the 14th floor.
JJ: You lucky the mugger was busy, otherwise, you'd a been the muggee.
James Sr: James Junior! Them passing grades you got? You didn't deserve them, they just gave em to you to get rid of ya.
Larry: Someday, I plan to own my own gas station.
Florida: When is "someday", Larry?
Larry: In about 10 years, ma'am.
J.J.: There won't be no gas left by then.
Florida Evans: And I must give thanks to the good Lord above for giving us such a beautiful Christmas gift: a loving family and warm friends.
Nathan Bookman: I'm appalled. I mean, the thought of a Christmas bonus never entered my mind.
Willona Evans: Oh, I'm glad, honey, 'cause it never entered our minds, either.
J.J: Dad, Mr. Garrett wants you to fix his alarm clock. He needs it back by Tuesday night, so he can get up on time to collect his unemployment insurance.
Thelma: Don't worry, daddy. I've got eyes like an eagle.
J.J.: And a face like a beagle.
Michael: Hey, Thelma. You about ready for that kissing booth?
Thelma: Yep, I've got my lips, and my lip gloss, and... Oh, Michael, you didn't tell me how much to sell my kisses for.
J.J.: Thelma, be ready to make change of a dime.
Thelma: You know something, if you were in there, it wouldn't be a kissing booth... it would be a house of horrors, you ugly monster.
J.J.: Around here, we've got something more powerful than Drano. See, all we do is hang a picture of Thelma's face over the drain, and the clog goes away. We call it: Thelmo.
Thelma: Yes, and when it's really clogged, we have to use the snake, so we send J.J. down there personally.
J.J.: Jesus may have your soul, but mama gonna have your behind.
Michael Evans: Don't you know what today is?
J.J. Evans: Yeah, Blue Monday. Followed by Broke Tuesday, followed by Disasters Wednesday. From there the rest of the week go down hill.
Answer: Carl did die of lung cancer, that's why she returned to her family.