Good Times

Good Times (1974)

1 mistake in The Enlistment

(14 votes)

Penny: Is he here?
Michael: Is who here?
Penny: I don't know his name, but he's tall, skinny, and beautiful.
Michael: Hold on now. Tall, and skinny we've got, but beautiful?

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More trivia for Good Times

The Gang: Part 1 - S2-E9

Question: According to the credits, the smallest of the three Satan Knights that come over to get JJ is nicknamed "Sweet Pea." However this name is never mentioned by anyone in this episode. The other two are mentioned (Mad Dog and Neck Bone). Why would the credits use a name not used?

Answer: Could have very well been that he did have a speaking part, but ended up on the cutting room floor, and they just didn't fix the credits.


Answer: He did have a speaking part many times throughout the episode, but gang name simply not used (just his real first name by Florida). James even referred to him in the start of the next episode by saying "Neck Bone and that other character."

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