Factual error: On the map behind the colonel during the first scene, Iceland is labelled as being under Nazi control. This is incorrect, as the British were in control of the country during the whole of the war. (00:05:10)
Factual error: The map shown has U.S. interstates displayed, but the U.S. interstate system wasn't developed until the 1950's. (00:06:30)
Factual error: The climax of the first episode, The Battle of The Tenaru River, is not historically accurate. Leckie did not run about shoring holes in the Marine defensive line. The real heroes of the engagement known variously as The Battle of Alligator Creek (a misnomer - no alligators in the South Pacific), Battle of the Tenaru River (mismarked on Marine maps, properly known as The Battle of The Ilu a tidal lagoon) were Marines Leroy Diamond, Al Schimd and John Rivers. These men accounted for over 200 Japanese KIA. All three paid dearly. Rivers was killed, Diamond sustained over 8 bullet wounds and Schmid was blinded. For their gallantry in action the three were awarded the Nation's second highest honor the Navy Cross. An accurate depiction of this battle was in the movie "Pride of the Marines."