30 Rock

30 Rock (2006)

1 mistake since 30 May '24, 12:35

(2 votes)

Into the Crevasse - S4-E2

Continuity mistake: Jack walks into the writers' room with Danesh. Danesh is wearing a laptop bag that has a strap with a directional cushion. It switches from facing the wrong way to correct, and back again. (00:12:02 - 00:12:25)


Jack: We are lovers.
Liz Lemon: That word bums me out unless it's between the words "meat" and "pizza."

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College - S5-E8

Trivia: Jack (Alec Baldwin) is talking to Liz about how they sold his voice while he was in college. And he mentions that they used it for a Wu-Tang Clan video and Thomas the Tank Engine. Alec Baldwin played the narrator in the Thomas the Tank Engine feature film.


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Show generally

Question: I'm trying to find out what episode Liz makes reference to a lower back tribal tattoo with a Chinese symbol in it. I've looked everywhere.

Answer: Maybe s02e14, "Sandwich Day"? Liz is talking to Floyd and asking if the girl who answered his phone has a lower back tattoo with a Chinese character that is suppose to mean "peace", but probably means "I have chlamydia." But nothing about it being a tribal tattoo.


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