
Dexter (2006)

1 other mistake in season 6 - chronological order

(15 votes)

The Angel of Death - S6-E5

Other mistake: While Dexter's searching for info on Travis Marshall on his laptop, he opens the DMV Records window with an image of Marshall's driver license, and in the closeup at the bottom of the license it reads "Operation of a motor vehicle constitutes consent to any sobiety test required by law," with the word "sobriety" missing the letter "r." Additionally, under the image of the license it reads "Issued: 10-12-2006", but on the actual license image it reads, "DOB: 11-24-1977, Issued: 09-23-1990, Expires: 09-23-2012." So that means Marshall was not even 13 yrs old when he got his license, and the license won't expire for 22 years. Also, when Brother Sam knocks on the door Dexter clicks back onto the MOA website, and if you care to pause the screen note the word "Exibit" is missing the letter "h." (00:18:50)

Super Grover

Do You Take Dexter Morgan? - S3-E12

Other mistake: The marriage certificate for Rita's first marriage shows her date of birth as 04-19-1989 and Dexter states she married at 16. The marriage date is 08-16-1989, when she would have been 4 months old. She also would only be 17 at the start of the series (2006) if she was born in 1989. (00:13:45)

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Chemistry - S7-E7

Isaak Sirko: You didn't kill Victor out of vengeance. I have a feeling you're a different kind of animal. The question is...what kind are you, Dexter Morgan?
Dexter: The kind who hunted your friend down and strapped him to a board and put a plastic bag on his head and crushed his skull with a fire extinguisher. The kind who's gonna do the same thing to you, give or take the fire extinguisher.

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Return to Sender - S1-E6

Trivia: (POSSIBLE SPOILER) When Masuka brings up the list of doctors authorized to get the M99, Dexter removes his alias note that Dexter's fake alias (used to get the M99 tranquilizer) is Dr. Patrick Bateman. Patrick Bateman is the lead character of "American Psycho". This was most likely an intentional "easter egg" of sorts within the show.


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Father Knows Best - S1-E9

Question: The DNA test is a match, but later in the 2-3rd season we discover that Harry (foster father) had an affair with the real mother. Is Harry the real father and takes him but not his brother in because of that or not?

Answer: No, Harry is not the real father. While he did have an affair with Dexter's biological mother (Laura Moser), this was when she was his C.I. Dexter was already born at that point.

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