
Surprise - S4-E6

Visible crew/equipment: When Johnny and Roy help Cora crawl along the ladder from the cactus patch located in a secluded area, just as Johnny tells her to take it nice and slow, the camera moves a bit too far to the left and then shifts back to the right, but not before we are able to see a crew member, equipment and a large patio-style umbrella.

Super Grover

Surprise - S4-E6

Visible crew/equipment: When Roy treks across the ladder to get to the woman in the cactus patch, the outlines of the lav mic transmitter and wire are visible at the back, right side of Roy's shirt. Then, when Johnny's on the Biophone with Rampart, the outline of the mic transmitter is visible at the back, left side of Johnny's shirt.

Super Grover

Emergency! mistake picture

Nagging Suspicion - S4-E4

Visible crew/equipment: After the sniper surrenders, Captain Stanley instructs Engines 12 and 51 to come to the rear of the building, and a few shots later the camera moves alongside Engine 12 as it's turning the corner. In this specific shot, up ahead we are able to see set lighting (including moleeno-style array lights), equipment, crew and actors (in the blue paramedic uniforms), some sitting on chairs in front of the parking attendant's booth (which was shot at by the sniper during the scene).

Super Grover

Nagging Suspicion - S4-E4

Visible crew/equipment: After the police officer is shot by the sniper, when Roy and Johnny run with their equipment and duck down behind the squad car, the outlines of the mic transmitter and wire are visible on the back of the Sergeant's shirt, as Johnny and Roy are given flak vests.

Super Grover

The Screenwriter - S4-E1

Visible crew/equipment: After Art tells Johnny that a film about paramedics is passé, but he'll invite him to the doll movie premiere, Johnny walks over to the ambulance, and the outline of the mic transmitter is visible on the back of Roy's shirt, at his right.

Super Grover

Emergency! mistake picture

The Screenwriter - S4-E1

Visible crew/equipment: When Engine 51 arrives at the toy factory fire and comes to a full stop, we see the hunched over cameraman holding a handheld camera, with another crew member standing right behind him, and just as Captain Stanley opens the door and emerges, we see the cameraman being helped up and both men turning and moving quickly to their left, as Captain Stanley jumps off the engine.

Super Grover

The Firehouse Four - S4-E11

Visible crew/equipment: When Station 51 is dispatched to a man over the cliff, while en route there's a shot from the top of Engine 51, with the dome light in front of the camera, and the reflection of the covered camera, which is mounted on the engine's roof, is visible in the dome light's chrome surface.

Super Grover

The Bash - S4-E14

Visible crew/equipment: When Roy, John, and Vic are inside stage 3 trying to outrun Charlene, Roy starts climbing down the first ladder, and we can see equipment moving right beside Roy, then when Roy climbs back up and they find the second ladder, more movement can be seen at the bottom of the screen.

Super Grover

The Mouse - S4-E20

Visible crew/equipment: When Station 51 is dispatched to the structure fire, just as Engine 51 rolls out of the apparatus bay, the reflections of the location shoot's array lighting and two reflector screens are visible on the side of the engine.

Super Grover

Foreign Trade - S4-E9

Visible crew/equipment: After the rescue on the draw bridge, when Squad 51 gets back to the station Roy goes to the backyard and sits in the sports car, and in this shot just as we hear Johnny's footsteps, on the Land Rover's window we can see the reflection of a crew member who is moving backwards.

Super Grover

Quicker Than the Eye - S4-E8

Visible crew/equipment: In the locker room, after Chet tells Johnny that he knew all about the practical joke, when they walk to the door together there's a quick glimpse of the cameraman's reflection on the door's glass, before John tells Chet about the fictitious five dollar bill down by Mike's locker.

Super Grover

Surprise - S4-E6

Visible crew/equipment: When Brackett walks out of his office, Betty walks over to him and asks if it's okay to go to Dixie for help with the nurses' scheduling problem, and the bulging outline of the mic transmitter is visible on the back of her uniform, directly under its zipper.

Super Grover

Surprise - S4-E6

Visible crew/equipment: When deciding how to rescue Cora from the middle of the cactus patch, Mike parks Engine 51 at the side of the road, beside the hill with the cactus. During the rescue there are closeups of Cora's husband standing beside Engine 51, and we see other things reflected on the engine instead of just the side of the hill. Additionally, his position in the closeups differs from where he stands in the wideshots.

Super Grover

The Mouse - S4-E20

Revealing mistake: At the apartment complex fire, after Johnny is knocked unconscious by the explosion, when the Pasadena fireman finds him and has to lift him up, it's funny how even though Johnny's unconscious we can see that he actually helps to stand himself up, so the fireman can lift him up and carry him out.

Super Grover

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The Promise - S3-E11

Trivia: During Richard's rescue from the ledge at Rampart, the snorkel that Roy and Brackett climb onto is Truck 127, from Station 127 aka Station 51. Truck 127 is used in many episodes requiring a snorkel, including 1x6, "Dealer's Wild" and 3x16, "Fools." There's a particularly nice shot at the end of this episode, when Engine 51 and Squad 51 are parked parallel to each other, and when Johnny responds to dispatch that Squad 51 is available, Truck 127 drives away between 51's vehicles. Nice touch.

Super Grover

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The Mouse - S4-E20

Question: The old man that comes in with his wife that can't breathe, the one that the head nurse tries to counsel and tempts him with a cup of coffee. I believe he is Alfred Hitchcock, though his name is not listed anywhere. Alfred Hitchcock is known for his cameo appearances in his own shows and in other shows. Can someone confirm that this is him? This is driving me nuts... It is toward the end of the episode, but I cannot give you times.

Answer: I believe you are speaking of the old man, Mr. Wilson. He's played by J. Pat O'Malley.


Correct, it was J. Pat O'Malley...he also played the grandfather with his grandson when their rocket exploded, and also played "Old Bill" in the episode with Ann Prentiss, where Gage saves the little girl from the burning tree house, and her mother falls in love with him.

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