Burn Notice

Burn Notice (2007)

0 other mistakes in season 6 - chronological order

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End Run - S3-E3

Continuity mistake: During the scene when Michael is attempting to deceive Brennen into letting him and Nate go (from the time Brennen receives the picture message to when Brennen leaves), Brennen's necktie (right below the knot) changes from having a dimple to being flat, 6 or 7 times during the scene.

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Question: Where is the bathroom in Michael's loft? I have seen every season, every angle, and I never see anything resembling it?


Chosen answer: It might not actually have one, in which case, he'd have to go down into the club and use theirs. As for showering, going to his mother's house or a gym membership would take care of that.

Captain Defenestrator

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