Question: What is the episode where a man discovers that the computer he created has fallen in love with him?
Answer: There is an Outer Limits episode, "Mind Over Matter," S02E05. Sam Stein invents an AI computer which allows a person's mind to connect to another person in a VR world. The AI, named CAVE, learns about human emotions each time Sam's mind is connected. It learns he is in love with co-worker, Dr. Rachel Carter. After a traffic accident, she is in a coma. Dr. Stein hooks her mind into the machine and observes her in the VR. He also enters the VR to calm her and explain what happened. Each time they are together, another Rachel Carter figure appears and tries to get between them. Stein and Carter theorize it's CAVE. The AI has developed a jealousy emotion. They believe killing AI Carter would end the infatuation. When she attacks again, Stein strangles her to death. At that moment, Carter's real body dies. CAVE explains she has been the Carter talking to him and the Carter chasing them was the real one. CAVE tricked him so he could get rid of her competition and have Stein to herself.
Answer: "From Agnes—With Love" (s05e20). However, the man (James Elwood) didn't create the computer (Agnes); he was just brought in to fix a problem with it.