Avatar: The Last Airbender

Jet - S1-E10

Character mistake: When Jet tells Katara and Aang to waterbend the water from underground in the geysers, Katara states that she has never waterbent on water she couldn't see before. However, six episodes prior to this, in 'The Warriors of Kyoshi', she waterbends the water out from Aang's lungs to save his life.

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Suggested correction: That was a moment of desperation on her part, and she probably doesn't think of it/think she can do it again without the same desperate impetus, Furthermore, the water in Aang was only a small amount and very close anyway.


Regardless of if she did it in desperation or not, she did use bending on water she didn't see. The mistake isn't suggesting anything about Katara's ability to waterbend unseen water, the mistake is only in regards to the statement Katara made about never using bending on water she can't see. And for Katara to forget the one time she used bending on water she didn't see would qualify as a character mistake as well. Now if she made the statement "I don't think I can do this" or "I've never used bending on underground water", etc, that would not be a character mistake.


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Suggested correction: You sure that was the same ship, and what's 5-10 years give or take compared to Gran-Gran's life anyway?


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Trivia: All three seasons start out on a boat: season one with Sokka and Katara, season two when Team Avatar is saying goodbye to Pakku, and season three when Aang wakes up on the Fire Nation ship.


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The Ember Island Players - S3-E17

Question: Is there an inside joke or added meaning to the names that worked on the "play"? The "surprisingly informed cabbage merchant" is obvious, but besides that.

Answer: The pirates are from the episodes "The Waterbending Scroll" and "The Waterbending Master" (They're the ones Katara stole the scroll from). The traveling musicians are from "The Cave of Two Lovers. The prisoners of war likely refer to the Kyoshi Warriors, the men of the Southern Water Tribe, and possibly Bumi and the other citizens of Omashu.

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