Byron: But where is it written that all our dreams must be small ones?"
G'Kar: It is said that the future is always born in pain. The history of war is the history of pain. If we are wise, what is born of that pain matures into the promise of a better world, because we learn that we can no longer afford the mistakes of the past.
Lorien: The universe began with a word. But which came first: the word or the thought behind the word? You can't create language without thought, and you can't conceive a thought without language, so which created the other, and thus created the universe?
PsiCop Alfred Bester: Mr. Garibaldi, on a scale of one to ten... just how stupid do you think I am?
Ambassador Londo Mollari: Everyone around me dies, Mr. Morden, except those who most deserve it.
Susan Ivanova: So the next time we find out where the Shadows plan to strike, we can mine the area, and as soon as they come out of hyperspace.
Citizen G'Kar: Then, as you so concisely say, Boom.
Ambassador Londo Mollari: Fools to the left of me, feeders to the right... I need to find a real job.
Citizen G'Kar: Oh, why does the universe hate me.
Dr. Stephen Franklin: Have a seat, lend a hand, or get out of my way, but do not question me in my lab, doctor.
Ambassador Londo Mollari: Six months ago hardly anyone knew my name. Now everyone wants to be my friend. I wanted respect. Instead I have become a wishing well with legs.
Citizen G'Kar: Our thoughts form the universe. They are always important.
Kosh Naranek: Ah, you seek meaning?
Talia: Yes.
Kosh Naranek: Then listen to the music, not the song.
Alfred Bester: Much as it might offend their sense of perspective, not everything is about Babylon 5.
Captain John Sheridan: From the stars we came. From the stars we return. From now, till the end of time. We therefore commit these bodies to the deep.
Citizen G'Kar: The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements. Energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest.
Ta'Lon: Congratulations citizen G'Kar. You are now a religious icon.
Captain John Sheridan: Our new friend just said all the security in the world can't stop a lone gunman dedicated to exchange his life for the target, and he is right. So you may as well live instead of being a prisoner.
Chosen answer: She was promoted to Captain and thus had to leave Babylon 5, becoming a captain on a new Warlock class ship. Later on she retires/quits and becomes the top Ranger on Minbar.