The Bob Newhart Show
All season 6 mistakesMistakes
1Bob's Change of Life0
2Ex-Con Job0
3A Jackie Story0
4Who Was That Masked Man?0
5Carlin's New Suit0
6A Day in the Life0
7My Son the Comedian0
8You're Fired, Mr. Chips0
9Shallow Throat0
10A Girl in Her Twenties0
11Grand Delusion0
12'Twas the Pie Before Christmas0
13Freudian Ship0
14Grizzly Emily0
15Son of an Ex-Con Job0
16Group on a Hot Tin Roof0
17Emily Carlin, Emily Carlin0
18Easy for You to Say0
19It Didn't Happen One Night0
20Carol Ankles for Indie-Prod0
21Crisis in Education0
22Happy Trails to You0

Show generally

Continuity mistake: In the opening credits where Bob is on the 'el' platform, the train car he is sitting in is different from the one he enters in the scene before. The car he is shown entering is an older car with small windows and the car he is sitting in is a newer model with much larger windows.

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Howard Borden: I was, uh, just decorating my Christmas tree and I was wondering, is there a trick to stringing cranberry sauce?

More quotes from The Bob Newhart Show

Trivia: While Bob Newhart is a father himself, he was adamant about Bob Hartley not having any children. When the writers told him they wanted to introduce a child in season six, he told them the script was good, and then asked them who was going to play Bob.

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