Corrected entry: Josh says his first kiss was with Mindy. He said he waited 15 years for his first kiss. But here he kisses Drake's girlfriend. That means his first kiss wasn't when he was 15. He was a lot younger.
Corrected entry: When Drake is talking to Tiffany, the back of her hair is completely straight. When the camera goes to the back of her head, her hair is messed up, then when the camera goes back to the back of her head, her hair is straight again.
Correction: It is only slightly messed up, you see Tiffany shake her head when she says something like 'I don't mind that at all', her could have gotten slightly messed up from that.
Corrected entry: In the basketball scene the layout of the garden is a lot different from the episode 'Two Idiots and a Baby.'
Correction: Lets say there is some sort of room sticking out at the back of the house, it is entirely possible for basketball court to be on one side and the 'Two Idiots and a Baby' garden on the other side.
Correction: Mindy was his girlfriend and the kiss he got with Drake's girlfriend was forced on him and caused a huge fight between him and Drake. In reality I think he would not want to mention how his first kiss really was. Besides character mistakes are not movie mistakes.