That's So Raven

That's So Raven (2002)

1 mistake in Out of Control - chronological order

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Out of Control - S2-E1

Other mistake: Eddie and Chelsea begin sharing notes in class. After Raven has picked it out of the trash, she reads what Eddie and Chelsea have put. Chelsea says, "Can't wait", but how could she? Eddie threw the note and it didn't reach her, just the floor, so Chelsea never read it nor make a reply.

Raven: There is nothing that you can say that's gonna get to me.
Muffy: Umm hmm, my shoes are better than yours.
Raven: Thats a lie.

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Trivia: The school that Raven goes to is called Bayside. This is the name of the school from the hit TV show Saved by the Bell. They also used the set of that school as well and if you've seen Saved by the Bell you will be able to tell.

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Answer: She inherited them from her family.


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