Easter egg: Season 3, Disc 5: Go to "Special Features," highlight the synopses, then arrow right. This renders the DVD credits.
Easter egg: Season 3, Disc 5: Highlight "special features" on the main menu and arrow left for a short interview with Jan Chappell.
Easter egg: Season 3, Disc 5: Under Scene Selection, highlight "Main Menu," then press the left arrow for some special effects footage of the London.
Easter egg: Season 3, Disc 4: Under episode selection, highlight "Death-Watch," let it begin playing, then return to the episode selection menu. Highlight "Death-Watch" again, then press the up arrow for a short interview with David Jackson.
Easter egg: Season 3, Disc 3: Choose "Sarcophagus," start to play it and go back to the episode selection menu. Highlight "Sarcophagus" again, press up and watch an interview with Sally Knyvette.
Easter egg: Season 3, Disc 2: Choose "City at the Edge of the World," begin to view it and then go back to the episode selection menu. Highlight "City" again and press the up arrow for an interview with Michael Keating.
Easter egg: Season 3, Disc 1: Select "Volcano" from the episode selection menu. Begin playing the episode, then go back to the selection menu, highlight "Volcano" again, then press the up arrow for an interview with Gareth Thomas.