Happy Days

Happy Days (1974)

0 mistakes in Home Movies: Part 1

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Richie Cunningham: So how did you do on that social studies test?
Potsie Weber: I missed that question on Alaska. I hear they want to make it a state now.
Richie Cunningham: That'll never happen.

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Trivia: Richie and Joanie had an older brother named Chuck, who was played by two different actors, and who only appeared during the first season of the show, because the character of Chuck was written off the show. This plot plot has since absorbed into popular culture: known as "Chuck Cunningham Syndrome," it refers to a character's (either leading or supporting) unexplained disappearance from a series.

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Answer: If all the actors and hands know their roles well enough they could perform the play reasonably well even without a director.


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