
Answer: They appeared from out of nowhere is referring to them appearing from under the van i.e. the sewer. And beating him is to scare him from future hangouts in the parking lot so that he would not recognize them as they'd leave the sewer again.

Chosen answer: The 2 men that beat up the guy were working with the other girl. They beat up the guy to try and either discourage him from getting the employee of the month or just scare him off altogether.

Mr. Monk's 100th Case - S7-E7

Question: I haven't yet seen this episode, but why is it called 'Mr. Monk and his 100th case'? Natalie and Julie gave Monk a hundred trophies at one time for doing 100 cases. Doesn't that break continuity, then if THIS is his 100th case?


Answer: In Monk's 100th case episode, they specifically say it's his 100th case as a consultant for the SFPD. When Natalie and Julie give him 100 trophies, Natalie says he's solved 104 murders since the beginning of his career.


Chosen answer: It's his 100th case for the San Francisco Police Department. When Natalie and Julie gave him the trophies, they were for cases overall. The total was actually a few short, but they gave him 100 because it's a nice, even number, which Monk likes.

Captain Defenestrator

Actually the total was a few more not less. They said it was 104 and they rounded down to make it an even 100. And Natalie and Julie explain they talked to captain stottlemyer and he let them look at monk's files, insinuating all of his 104 cases were for the San Francisco police dept so it is a continuity error they ignored for the 100th episode.

I'd meant the total number of trophies. Julie and Natalie tell him that it's only been 94 or so, but they got Monk 100 trophies because he'd appreciate the nice, orderly round number over having an accurate amount.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: He was close to his uncle (he mentioned working with his uncle every summer when he was a boy), but the main events of the show happen over a month after the uncle's death.

Brian Katcher

Chosen answer: I got the impression that he really hadn't known this particular uncle very well.

Jean G

Chosen answer: It was Julie's laptop, and when Monk plugged it into the SWAT team's system, Julie's friend's address (where the teen girls were having a slumber party) popped up and fooled the cops into thinking that it was the perp's house. Highly unlikely, true, but the SWAT guys storming into a house full of squealing teenage girls in pink nighties did make for a very funny scene.

Jean G

Answer: Julies Laptop was using the SFPD's Internet to receive mails from that girls house i.e. the girl throwing the party. So, the FBI thought that the girls house was the perp's house because of the connection from Julie's laptop to the girl's house.

Mr. Monk Bumps His Head - S4-E11

Question: The man who crashes through the beekeeper's fence and purposefully gets himself stung claims that he was drunk. Later that day, he is back at work. In Australia, where I live, drunk driving is a big enough offence to put you in jail, but the man is never put in jail. Is this a mistake, or are American laws more lenient?


Answer: He wasn't actually drunk in the episode and without solid evidence of drunk driving he would not be placed in jail. Also this was a small town where this individual was "important" so the community police would have to have their "ducks in a row" before taking him in on drunk driving.

Chosen answer: Depends on where you are, your blood alcohol level. Also, having not seen the episode, was he actually drunk?


Answer: She divorces him.

Chosen answer: No.


Chosen answer: Currently there is still no release date as of yet but my guess would be early 2008 it will likely be released in Australia.


Mr. Monk Gets Fired - S3-E4

Question: I have been trying to figure out how the death in the episode was linked to the suspect. Now I understand that being she was the housekeeper and that identifying the body would identify who she was and make him an likely suspect (he knew her, the secret bank accounts etc.) but how would that be enough to arrest him or even prosecute him for that matter? The body was not located on his property, there was no physical evidence that he killed her, he never made any incriminating statements and so on. The case seems far too circumstantial to be able to arrest him.


Chosen answer: He'd also murdered the wig shop owner, though, and the implication was that SFPD was gathering more evidence there. Monk puts together a pretty impressive batch of circumstantial evidence for both murders, and that's enough for Stottlemeyer to arrest Harley. Many murder cases go to trial with less, and successfully convict despite a lack of absolute proof, which is, sadly, far less abundant in real life than it is on TV. Lacking concrete proof, guilt must then be established "beyond a reasonable doubt."

Jean G

Answer: It was the license plate of the killer's car. GCE-15P.

Lisa T Ellis

Show generally

Question: In many scenes, Monk will reach out and touch something with one finger. What is he doing? I thought at first he was straightening things, but he touches things that don't move too.

Grumpy Scot

Chosen answer: Occasionally, people with advanced OCD's are possessed of an uncontrollable urge to simply touch various things, or press their nose/lips/etc. against them. It's no more or less sensible than the other behaviours the syndrome causes. See David Sedaris's essay "A Plague of Tics" for an hilarious look at it.

Rooster of Doom

Mr. Monk Goes to Jail - S2-E16

Factual error: When Monk visits the prison for the first time, he is searched, passed, and has a mini-panic attack because people have touched him. Sharona steps forward to comfort him, and she puts her arms around him. This is a very serious breach of procedure and it is not possible for the guards to miss it, because Sharona has not been searched. It's a common technique for trying to pass contraband called 'a touch through' - a person with an item to be smuggled into the prison (drugs, usually), passes them on to a person who has been searched and is therefore 'clean'. Monk would be taken back to the guard's station to be searched again. He would not be allowed leniency because the guards happen to know or to like him - visitor ingress and egress is always done under CCTV and the guard would know he was being watched - quite possibly by someone who doesn't know who Monk and Sharona are.

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Suggested correction: Sharona was searched first by the female guard.

In fact Sharona breaks away from the female guard to go to Monk. She has NOT been searched.

The correction is correct. The female guard already finished patting Sharona down before the male guard even had a chance to start his pat down of Monk.


Yeah, the correction is correct. I went back six times through that clip: Sharona and Monk both get searched, and then Sharona touches Monk.

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Adrian Monk: Unless I'm wrong, which, you know, I'm not.

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Mr. Monk Goes to Mexico - S2-E2

Trivia: According to co-producer Tom Scharpling, the Mexican homicide cops are purposely written as parodies of Stottlemeyer and Disher, right down to their attitudes, their ranks, their suits, and Captain Alameda's mustache. Even the bumbling lieutenant's name is a little joke on Disher. Plato means "dish" in Spanish.

Jean G

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Show generally

Question: If Monk is afraid of germs, then why does he keep touching things that could possibly have germs on them like parking meters or books?

Answer: Notice also that in the opening credits scene when he is touching parking meters her also wipes his hand on his clothes each time he does it.

Answer: That's the thing about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's not something rational. He just has to touch things like that. It's not something he can rationally think through. However, since part of his disorder includes an obsession with cleanliness, he also has an assistant walk around handing him wipes periodically. It's like when he gets a cold and uses both a humidifier (because that's what you use when you're congested) and a dehumidifier (to counteract the effects of the humidifier). He may spout rationalizations after he does something, but his compulsions exist outside of any rational thought whatever.


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