The Andy Griffith Show

The Pickle Story - S2-E11

Other mistake: Aunt Bee refers to losing the pickle contest 10 years in a row (which Clara corrects to 11, leading us to believe they have been in the same competition), but this is her 2nd year in Mayberry, having not seen Andy for years in her season 1 intro as the "new housekeeper", (or Opie - ever) in season 1.

The Pickle Story - S2-E11

Other mistake: When Andy, Barney, and Opie switch Aunt Bee's kerosene tasting pickles with the store bought pickles during 'operation pickle switch', they put the store pickles in Aunt Bee's mason jars with silver lids and Aunt Bee's pickles in the store's jars with labels and white lids. Their plan is to give away the store jars with Bee's pickles inside, and we see Barney placing the last of the store jars into his bag, but when Barney stops the driver to give him his safe driving award, we see Barney giving away the mason jars with silver lids even though it's the store jars he should be getting rid of.

Super Grover

Sheriff Barney - S2-E12

Other mistake: After Barney gets annoyed over Andy's lack of confidence in his ability to be a sheriff, Barney gets on the phone with Sarah and asks to be connected to the mayor of Greendale, then it cuts to an exterior shot and the parked car has plate number "DC 269," the same as other vehicles in some earlier episodes.

Super Grover

The Clubmen - S2-E10

Other mistake: After Andy turns down the offer to join the club the two men leave, and when it cuts to them driving away we see the license plate number is "DC 269," the same as some other vehicles in previous episodes.

Super Grover

Cousin Virgil - S2-E30

Other mistake: Barney's cousin is coming to Mayberry but gets off the bus in a previous town and misses it. Barney and Andy go out to find him, leaving from Mayberry. They are driving down the road when they come upon his cousin. The cousin is walking in the same direction as Andy and Barney are going, which would have meant he was walking away from Mayberry when he should have been walking towards it.

terry s

Aunt Bee the Warden - S2-E23

Other mistake: The new game/hobby boxes that Barney hands out to the Gordon brothers have their brand names partially covered. Mr. Potato Head has 'Head' covered, the brand name of the leathercraft set is covered, and part of the name on the metalcraft tapping set is covered.

Super Grover

Jailbreak - S2-E18

Other mistake: When Barney and Andy find the trailer that Malloy's hiding in with his partner and Horton (who's tied up), the other trailer that Andy and Barney are standing behind has license plate "DC 269," the same as some other vehicles in previous episodes.

Super Grover

Deputy Otis - S2-E31

Other mistake: Upon arriving at the courthouse, Andy and Barney discover they don't have their keys to get in so Andy decides to go knock on the window at Otis' cell, which he does to wake Otis. However, Otis' cell does not have a window, only the adjoining cell does. (00:20:00)

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Suggested correction: Otis' cell does have a window. In the previous episode with Barney's cousin, Barney's pulls the window out of the wall to get Otis out. Also in another episode Barney gets an intercom and places one part by the window to demonstrate how it would work.

It has a window but no glass. It shows Andy knocking on the window to wake Otis up but then it shows him hanging on the bars.

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Opie's Group - S8-E9

Andy: Clara, sometimes a parent can't see what he should do, and sometimes it takes a person from the outside to show him. And I'd like to thank you.
Clara: Groovy.

Super Grover

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The Darling Baby - S5-E12

Question: Why is it when they were on the show the Darling sons never spoke? Would they be paid more if they did, or was this some sort of joke?


Answer: It was a joke. They were supposed to be dumb hillbillies.

Both. According to later interviews with both Andy and the Dillards band (the real name of the band that played the parts of the Darling children, of which Charlene (Maggie Peterson - Mancuso was also a member) the reason the Darling boys never had any lines was because they would've had to have been paid if they spoke. In return for appearing without lines or pay, Andy promised to get as much of their music onto the show as possible which, he did. This obviously gave them a lot of exposure.

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