
Spooks (2002)

1 other mistake in Episode #8.8 - chronological order

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Episode #8.8 - S8-E8

Other mistake: Tariq has been tasked with finding hotel guests who share their surnames with American presidents. His computer screen is shown with the search in progress. The surname "Bush" appears twice (two presidents, but only one surname), and the counts for the two entries are different. In addition, the name "Truman" is misspelled as "Trueman." (00:28:15)


Episode #4.1 - S4-E1

Character mistake: Ruth requests a search of London streets with the name "Achilles" in them. A list of streets appears on a computer screen, but when one of them is selected, it is spelled "Achillies."


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Trivia: Spooks does not have actor credits at the end. The Internet Movie Data Base even lists the lead actors as 'uncredited' for many seasons.

Jeff Walker

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The Lesser of Two Evils - S1-E6

Question: In this episode, Patrick McCann and his IRA splinter group plot to blow up "Broad Street Station" in London. In reality, British Rail beat him to it years ago. The real Broad Street Station closed in 1986, and has since been demolished (an office complex now stands on the site). Does anyone know which railway station (or stations) posed as the fictional Broad Street Station in this episode?

Answer: The shots of the tube station closing and the shot of the concourse were shot at Marylebone station. There is also a shot of the tracks in which a sign is visible pointing to Southwark station and the Jubilee Line, and I suspect this is a stock shot filmed at Waterloo station.


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