Dark Angel

Dark Angel (2000)

1 revealing mistake in Flushed - chronological order

(1 vote)

Flushed - S1-E4

Revealing mistake: When Logan goes looking for Max at Jam Pony, as he starts talking to Normal there is a woman in a blue jacket with a black-and-yellow bike helmet walking behind him. She travels past the group and can be seen heading for the lockers behind OC and Sketchy. After Normal says, "I can't help you," the same woman walks behind Logan again, going the same direction. (00:16:55)


Flushed - S1-E4

Revealing mistake: When Logan goes looking for Max at Jam Pony, as he starts talking to Normal there is a woman in a blue jacket with a black-and-yellow bike helmet walking behind him. She travels past the group and can be seen heading for the lockers behind OC and Sketchy. After Normal says, "I can't help you," the same woman walks behind Logan again, going the same direction. (00:16:55)


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Normal: Well, well, well... so far, your moron colleagues have come up with the following excuses for why you're strolling in here at the crack of noon - you had a dental emergency, your aunt died... again, and my personal favorite from this idiot - you were detained by the sector police for practicing witchcraft. Now, would you care to further insult my intelligence?
Max Guevara: I overslept.

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Pilot (1) - S1-E1

Trivia: When Max is leaving her apartment building you see a grafitti painting of Eyes Only. You may not notice it because the character hasn't been introduced yet.

Maria Santos

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Show generally

Question: This may seem a bit stupid, but I'm new to the show, and didn't start with the pilot: what is that place where Max, Cindy, Sketch, etc. hang out (Where Normal works)? Judging by the presence of lockers, I would assume it's a gym.

Answer: It's their job. They are bike messengers and have lockers to hold personal stuff.

shortdanzr Premium member

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