DC Jo Masters: And have we found anything interesting?
CSE Eddie Olosunje: No, but I smell something interesting. Apricot danish?
DC Jo Masters: It's peach, and it's mine.
CSE Eddie Olosunje: Oh come on I've been here since 6am. Give us a bite and I'll tell you about a partial print I found?
Acting DI Samantha Nixon: Err, today would be nice.
DS Phil Hunter: I dunno about you, but I'm pretty sure I won't miss being bossed around by Miss Desperate To Be An Inspector Nixon.
Acting DI Samantha Nixon: I heard that.
DS Phil Hunter: Yes, of course ya did. With those supernatural senses she would've been dunked a few years back... Witch.
PC Lance Powell: He's so far in the closet, he might as well be in Narnia.
DCI Jack Meadows: So, d'ya fancy a drink?
DI Samantha Nixon: Yeah.
DCI Jack Meadows: Shall we ask the Super?
DI Samantha Nixon: Nah.
DC Jo Masters: You got any perfume?
DC Stevie Moss: Yeah, why?
DC Jo Masters: Might wanna give yourself a spray. Sammo's personal hygiene isn't all that.
PC Tony Stamp: Everything all right up there?
PC Ben Gayle: We got a dead body.
PC Tony Stamp: I'll take that as a no then.
Insp. Gina Gold: Rules are rules, and if I thought for one minute you were bending them for anyone - including me - I'd kick you from hell to breakfast.
DC Jo Masters: What's this? DC Dasari by day, Spider Woman by night?
PC Cass Rickman: Smithy thinks the lotus position is having sex in a flash car.
Insp. Gina Gold: What is it with these kids? Why do they have to give themselves such ridiculous names?
PC Sally Armstrong: Its a youth culture thing.
Insp. Gina Gold: It was a rhetorical question thank you PC Armstrong! I may be the wrong side of fifty but I am still alive.
DCC Gordon Cooper: So, who should we expect a visit from?
Supt. Tom Chandler: DC Mickey Webb, small bloke, yaps like a dog.
PC Jim Carver: Bradford? She's got about as much community spirit as Adolf Hitler.
Sgt. Alec Peters: Best thing to do is to close your office door.
Chief Inspector Derek Conway: Yeah, and tell the world to Foxtrot Oscar.
CSE Eddie Olosunje: I mean how naf is that? Big bank robber smoking Menthol! Ya know I heard it causes impot.
DC Jo Masters: How does that help us Eddie?
DS Stuart Turner: Right... We've got a fire on Waterview Road, uniform are dealing with it but it looks accidental, so, I need anyone?
DC Jacob Banks: There's some dry paint in custody that needs watching.
DC Mickey Webb: Sorry I'm late Sarge, traffic was murder.
DC Jo Masters: Oh yeah? Nothing to do with the late night you had out with Terry and Stevie then?
DC Mickey Webb: Does this face look like it's hungover?
DC Jacob Banks: Yes.
Sgt. Matt Boyden: When The Met employed Reg Hollis, they deprived a village of its idiot.
DC Mike Dashwood: Anything else?
DI Burnside: Yeah, a garage full of bricks.
DC Mike Dashwood: What kind of bricks?
DI Burnside: The kind the third little pig used to build his house out of. Brick, bricks.
PC Cathy Bradford: D'you think Reg is all right?
PC Gary Best: He's not exactly Rambo is he?
Insp. Gina Gold: Reg may not be a superhero, but I know who I'd like to be with me in a tight corner and it wouldn't be you, Best, all right.
DCI Jack Meadows: Are you sure I shouldn't have picked you up somewhere else?
PC Sally Armstrong: No its all right, if anyone askes I'll just say you're my Dad.
Chief Supt. Charles Brownlow: Did the prisoner hurt himself?
Sgt. Matt Boyden: Unfortunately not sir.