Factual error: Early in the episode, when Abby complains about who in their right mind would schedule outdoor inaugurations in January, Jed retorts by listing Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin, but inaugurations were in March until 1936 - not a mistake President Bartlet would make.
Factual error: When the president signs Toby's Presidential Pardon you can see his name listed as "Toby." However such a document would refer to someone by their full, legal name. In this case the document should say "Tobias" not Toby, which, although commonly used throughout the series, is still only a nickname.
Factual error: In the show's final scene Ronna comes into the oval office to remind President Santos that it's nearly 6 PM and he needs to get ready for the various inaugural balls. The Oval Office is filled with sunshine, however in Washington D.C. in January the sun would have set nearly an hour before and it would be dark outside.
Factual error: At the end of the episode, a chamber music ensemble plays at the White House. One of the close-up shots is of the oboist as well as the sheet of music on her stand. The music on the stand is not the same piece as that being played, and it's not even an oboe part, but rather a piano score of some solo instrument piece, as can be told by each system having three staves, two of which are bracketed together. (00:39:20)
Answer: It's in reference to the many televangelists and revival ministers usually associated with the right-wing that have been convicted of tax fraud (Jim Bakker and Tamy Faye being a more famous set). Occasionally, the more unscrupulous ministers have bilked millions from believers all in the name of God.