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How Green Was My Grass - S4-E24

Continuity mistake: Before this episode (and after as well) Darrin and Samantha give their address as 1164 Morning Glory Circle, however in this episode, when Darrin slams the door, the '9' in 192 on their address spins around to make 162, hence the angry neighbor at 162 saying that his grass was installed at the Stevens' by mistake.

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Samantha: Try to control your temper. Remember, "Peace on earth, goodwill to men" includes witches.

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Samantha Fights City Hall - S5-E9

Trivia: Because Erin Murphy, who played Tabitha, was ill, her fraternal twin sister Diane took her place in this episode. By this time, Erin and Diane didn't resemble each other as much as they once did, and it was obvious to regular viewers of the show that it wasn't the Tabitha they were used to seeing. The producers received several letters asking "Who was that?"

Jeff Swanson

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Question: Is there some reason why Samantha wears the same exact "Heart Pendant Necklace" in every single episode? It seems odd that she only has one necklace all the time.

Answer: The original diamond and white gold heart necklace was given to Elizabeth Montgomery by her then real-life husband, William Asher, who also directed the show. She wore it in nearly every early episode. When the necklace was lost or stolen about mid-way through the series, Montgomery had two replicas made from rhinestones. She wore either one of those for the rest of the show's run.


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