Tru Calling

Brother's Keeper - S1-E3

Plot hole: When Marco brings Andrew's corpse to the morgue the first time the evening happens, he says that Andrew was died "in his ex-wife's house." However, during the second instance of the day, it is eventually revealed that Sarah is actually still married to Andrew, and they are just separated. Sarah may have lied to Harrison about that, but the police would have gotten accurate information. In fact, when Sarah calls the police (the second time), she refers to Andrew as "her husband."


Past Tense - S1-E4

Plot hole: When Lindsay brings Tru breakfast in bed on the second version of the day, she is excited that Tru remembered her birthday, and she also mentions that nobody else did. But it's still very early in the morning. It's not at all reasonable to assume that anybody forgot her birthday just because they didn't call before 8am.


Past Tense - S1-E4

Plot hole: Meredith is subjected to a random drug test at work. However, the drug test is announced late at night. Tru is already working her "graveyard shift" at the morgue, so we know the regular workday is over. Hardly anyone would be in the office. Therefore, it doesn't make sense for the company to be administering this drug test, said to be requisite for all employees, at that time.


Past Tense - S1-E4

Plot hole: Meredith submits to the drug test at her office. In the next scene, which takes place later the same evening, Harrison tells Tru that Meredith's test came back positive and she was immediately fired. But it takes at least 24 hours to get a result from a urine test at all. If the test is positive, the sample must be subjected to a more thorough examination. It usually takes at least 72 hours to get the results in that case. There's no way Meredith's positive results could have come back in less than six hours, even if a lab had been open late in the evening.


Past Tense - S1-E4

Plot hole: John is slightly surprised to find that Tru is acting as bartender for the party, but doesn't dwell on it any further once she explains that she was supplied gratis to make up for the earlier "problems" with the room. But John should actually be extremely alarmed to find her there, given that he poisoned the ice and expects the other guests to drop dead. He certainly wouldn't want any witnesses to that.


Haunted - S1-E5

Plot hole: In this episode, Tru takes the MCATs. Every year, the MCATs are offered exactly twice, in April and in August. Autumn leaves in several scenes indicate that it is not currently either of those months.


Haunted - S1-E5

Plot hole: There's too much bruising on Paige's arm in the original timeline, given that she only had one injection given to her by a med student (on the day of her death). She doesn't appear to have had any previous injections when Tru looks at her arm in the second timeline.


Haunted - S1-E5

Plot hole: The first time the day happens, Paige is quickly identified as the victim of a drug overdose. However, we find out later that she actually died by violent strangulation. Yet the only sign of trauma on the corpse was minor hemorrhaging in her eye. There should have been obvious signs of the confrontation, starting with huge bruises on her neck.


Haunted - S1-E5

Plot hole: Why hasn't Tru met Luc? He came to the morgue very late the first time the night happened in the previous episode, after Marco scared Tru. Even though Tru seemed to stay at the bachelor party very late the second time the day played through, she had gotten into work by the time Marco tried to scare her again, so she should have still been there when Luc came in.


Star Crossed - S1-E6

Plot hole: Harrison and Lindsay hooking up was pretty much a given, based on the course that events took in the episode. But why were they doing it in Tru's apartment? Harrison and Lindsay each have their own apartment, so the only reason for them to be on Tru's couch is for entertainment value.


Star Crossed - S1-E6

Plot hole: Why does Tru think she's saved Adam's and Jen's lives when they don't die during the drag race? The race is happening around 5pm, 6 at the latest. Adam and Jen died very late at night the first time around.


Morning After - S1-E7

Plot hole: The first time the day happens, Tru tells Luc that Mark called her, and later she tells him that he wants to talk to her, and Luc is fine with that because he trusts her. The second time, knowing that Mark was killed, she decides that she should agree to meet him when he first calls. But she lies to Luc about what she's doing. Why? She knows that he wouldn't have a problem with what she's doing, but instead she tells a lie that conveniently drives the episode's romantic plot.


Morning After - S1-E7

Plot hole: There doesn't seem to be enough information about Mark's stabbing for Davis' computer program to determine how tall the attacker was. The main thing that's missing is any information about the angle of the knife's penetration. Without that, there should be no way to obtain the killer's height.


Morning After - S1-E7

Plot hole: When Tru realizes that the yellow-handled knife Lindsay bought was the murder weapon, she gets rid of it. As a result, Lindsay needs to borrow a knife from Tru's neighbor so she can slice vegetables. The fact that Lindsay bought a knife for Tru, combined with the fact that Lindsay couldn't find one later, implies that Tru doesn't have a suitable knife of her own. But Tru served cut fruit to Harrison and his date several episodes ago, so she must already have a knife like that. In fact, pretty much everybody does. And there's no indication that Tru went around hiding all of her knives. In fact, the episode focused on that one, yellow-handled knife to an overly dramatic extent that bordered on inadvertant comedy.


Closure - S1-E8

Plot hole: Justin is a police officer. As a result, his actions at the end of the day the first time it plays through make no sense at all. His girlfriend tell him that she has shot Nicole, and that the crime will be pinned on him because she used his gun. But he knows that there will be no gunshot residue on his hands, and there will be on hers. He knows that his whereabouts were accounted for at the time of the murder, because he was at the diner in full sight of any number of people. He knows that there is not a single shred of evidence aside from the gun, which has his girlfriend's fingerprints all over it anyway. If he were to simply arrest her now, there's no way she wouldn't be the one to go down, rightly, for the crime. Instead, he decides to tamper with the corpse and shoot two bystanders, in order to protect his innocence. It makes no sense at all.


Closure - S1-E8

Plot hole: How did lily pollen get on Nicole's dress? Justin's girlfriend never touched Nicole; we saw the confrontation the first day, and Nicole just shot her and then must have left very quickly because nobody saw her. Even if Justin's girlfriend were covered in the stuff, it couldn't have somehow jumped onto Nicole.


Murder in the Morgue - S1-E9

Plot hole: Tru and Lindsay are making all their plans for the reunion on the day of the event, including whether or not they will attend and whether or not they will bring dates. But a high school reunion requires an RSVP in advance, just like a wedding or bar mitzvah. So they should have had to figure out their plans weeks earlier.


Murder in the Morgue - S1-E9

Plot hole: Why did Tru have the reunion invitation on her desk the morning of the event? It seems as if she had received it that day, since Davis asks if she's going and she says no and throws it away. That's something you'd do with the invitation upon receiving it and deciding not to go. But it doesn't make sense for the invitation to have gone out the day of the party.


Murder in the Morgue - S1-E9

Plot hole: At the end of the episode, Lindsay says that her note made one man a liar and another man gay. But how does she know that Craig lied? The first time, Craig said that he didn't get the note, and also demonstrated that he had no idea who Lindsay even was. The second time, Tru intercepted Craig and asked him to be nice to Lindsay. So he again told her that he didn't get the note, but also said that it's a shame he didn't get it, because she's really amazing, but it's too bad because now he's married. So he barely lied to Lindsay, and she would have no way to know about it. Tru didn't hear what Craig said, so she wouldn't know if he lied, either, and even if she did she wouldn't tell Lindsay, because the whole point was to make her feel better about the situation.


Haunted - S1-E5

Factual error: Tru arrives "more than three hours late" for the MCAT and then begins the test. Firstly, it would be pointless for her to even bother going at that time, since she'd have already missed the entire Verbal Reasoning section and possibly the Physical Sciences as well (depending on how much more than three hours she was late). Secondly, that's really a moot point since late arrivals to MCAT testing centers are not permitted to take the test.


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Tru: Have a little faith in your sister.

More quotes from Tru Calling

Answer: It is called 'Somebody help me' sung by Full Blown Rose.


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